Do we even care?
vaspa, your poems are probably very good for handing in as class work, however on here they just ain't good enough for people to comment on.
Sorry, but you did ask...again and again and again and again and again.
I think the posts above are unnecessarly cruel. Sometimes, I really do wonder what has happen to this site...When I joined there were a few troubled makers but mostly there was a sense of community or at least solidarity. Nowadays, this is the sort of thing that I read...
"I shan't comment on your poems, because I can't be arsed to read them"
"has ny1 seen my will 2 live?"
What is that? And is that meant to be helpful? Or just the simple 'power rush' of wanting to be cruel...can't believe some people here actually have children...
Writers are supposed to encourage other writers not bring them down.
And since when has this site encourage only British writers? Being online means that it will attrack people from all over the world and this should carry on being encouraged.
Pesky, I'm Portuguese and still have the ability to enjoy your writting...
Both you and Barely Black are great writers I have no idea what has brought about this behaviour, it slimply takes from my enjoyment of reading your work.
Vaspa, if you want comments on your work on this site you might want to review other people's work first. The favour will be returned to you at some stage.
Or you could just make friends with the people that overpower the site and solely review each others work. This occorunce will became apparent within your first week of joining, all you have to do is keep an eye on this forum.
Keep writting, use your youth as a quality not as an imperfection. There are sincerely good writers here that you can learn from. And keep reading good poetry, it will help you improve your skills.
Soraia, in defence of the comments above i think you need to read the thread WHAT DO YOU THINK, it may put them into perspective. Believe me last night Vaspa or is it Tyler gave as good as they/ he/ her got.
You have taken all I said as directed to you. Fine. Again, re-read my post. And yes, this site is in fact overpowered by particular people. And yes, I do enjoy your work, regardless of the person that you portrait yourself to be. And no, I don't resurface every blue moon, Pesky, in fact I used to be pretty involved here, used to read and comment in loads of work. The atmosphere of this site now, has sincerely put me off.
Soraia you are the one who is out of order here, you have obviously jumped into this feet first without engaging your brain it would seem.
Firstly, this thread came after the one started by REDCOLDWORLD, have you read that one by any chance, or did you get to this one first and decide on your attack strategy without the overall picture? it now have we dear? So as you can see Tyler/vaspa was not exactly the innocent person here. If you also browse around in this forum you will find several threads about people coming in and demanding feedback on their work/uploading tons of stuff at once, these threads are mostly polite and informative to newcomers, but apparently you never read these, because by all accounts the only time you show your all-knowing head is when you feel that some poor soul is being treated unjustly by the site *regulars* (and of course when someone has flagged up something of yours)
As for there being a sense of community when you joined, I seem to remember that was about the time of Jaspers reign, there has never been a time when there was a less sense of community here than then! (mind you he flagged your work alot didn't he sweetie?)
* And since when has this site encourage only British writers? *
what makes you presume that everybody that commented on this thread is British, just because we don't all jump around yelling, I'm Portugese or USA! USA! USA! every 5 minutes means nothing more than it's not important.
*Pesky, I'm Portuguese and still have the ability to enjoy your writting...
Both you and Barely Black are great writers I have no idea what has brought about this behaviour, it slimply takes from my enjoyment of reading your work.*
...and that wasn't directed at Pesky and Barely Black where? May I suggest YOU re-read your post?
*Or you could just make friends with the people that overpower the site and solely review each others work. This occorunce will became apparent within your first week of joining, all you have to do is keep an eye on this forum*
What a load of shite, I'm sorry but words absolutely fail me, do you actually EVER read anything other than your own feedback? The 'regulars' obviously post more, (well more than you but then thats not hard is it), because they are on here more. If their work gets flagged or cherried it's because they are good and have written something worthy. This smacks of sour grapes, if your work is not being flagged then it is because no-one has enjoyed it enough, not because they don't like you, or you don't belong. Personally I don't like your poems, but if you wrote something better in the future then I may flag it up who knows. To claim that people only 'flag' their 'friends' is probably your worst claim on here and in my eyes underlines why you feel you exempt from the community...too much me me me, what about me for anyones liking.
oh dear i hope that doesnt mean s/he/it floods in here too.
i'm english and have no problem with being it, its unfortunate that people have to bring racial issues into this, i stand by what i said up there,,, because i would have said it to anyone. regardless.
as for archergirl ... shes been very supportive to me, and i'm a new poster here, i didnt get no cherries altho i joined along time back, i think you scared me off then, dunno why.....
Jeez. This gave me a headache.
Going to give up reading the forums for a while cos I honestly don't know what to say to them.
Should not really add another opinion this, but...
I know it is annoying when people flood it, but also asking for feedback is intially fucking terrifying.
I feel bad for the new poster and as much as I understand the view points of regular users, I am horrified.
Well I just did, so....
Ah - this thread does look scarey if it's not read with the WHAT DO YOU THINK thread that was running at the same time (now half way down the page). Not that that was exactly sweetness and light, but it would help to understand the comments on this thread as well as seeing that young Tyler wasn't at all phased by the end anyway. Positively enjoying himself.
Heh, I just read that thread. I find it amusing when youngsters pop up. I remember being a teenager and taking umbrage at absolutely everything. Still, I'll take the teenybop vitriol any day in place of the vileness that used to occur on this site, especially around this time last year. God, that was tiring.
Maybe when we get 'young blood' coming on here with their iambic pentameter poems, we should just comment on them. Bluntly. That should put off the less serious of them...
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
tyler is awesome ^^
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!