Perpetual Writing Contest Discussion
last week i posted a note about a $100 US perpetual writing contest:
i'd like to address some of the comments you made.
Jack Cade: Sounds highly prone to rigging to me. And I fear the prospect of seeing cash sums paid out for crap stories voted for by idiots.
Response: before a payout is made, a full analysis is performed on the votes, including e-mail and IP addresses that made the votes. IP addresses are also examined for proxy servers. there are a number of other security measures in place, which you can read about on the Questions page. if there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the votes, no payout is made.
also there are some rules restraining the types of stories (nothing political, no erotica, etc.) that helps drive the quality of story. although there will be some poorly written stories, there is the notion that nobody will vote for them.
bobblehat2000: At worse, quite a few silly people will lose money and it will end with recriminations and increasingly desperate attempts to track down the true postal addresses of the people behind the site.
Response: to keep costs down, there are very few people involved with the project. further, there has been no financial investment; the project is completely self-sustaining. also, the postal address of the technical administrator for the website is easy enough to "track down" ... perform a "whois" query on the domain name.
mykle: Could be a crafty plan by statisticians, advertisers or simply publishers to cheaply find out what sort of things are popular :O)
Response: no crafty plan, no advertisers and no publishers are currently involved. the goal of the site is to provide funding to people who will put it to good use.
barely black francis: Personally I can't think of anything worse than being 'voted' on by a load of people. If I wanted that I'd go back on Pop Idol with another song.
Response: while true that some people may feel there is a negative stigma attached to having their story "voted" upon, at the moment there is no "bad" vote. there is a "junk" vote, but that is so that the site can self-regulate spam. consequently every "vote" is a good vote.
thank you for the encouraging feedback! i hope to read some of your stories online Life for Change soon!