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This story was inspired by "Just Relax" by Juliet O C and is the long promised response to that piece.

Revenge is sweet they say, I reckon you both draw a tie on this one.


Very well done! I had a good old chuckle, especially at the ending. Prostate tests are, I guess, the male equivalent of the speculum, only they're usually not icy-cold or metal. Guess that's a plus, really... I enjoyed this.
the end of this really made laugh - touche! Juliet


Nice one SpeedyG!!


"We sat down, while he explained to us what a vasectomy meant." Deep stuff man.
A humourous little piece, in places. But, I'm sorry, where is it going? Or should I ignore that and just see the humour? rkc Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

Thanks for all your comments, I respond as follows:- To QueenElf – Thank you gracious lady for calling it a tie, although honestly I thought I won. To archergirl – I’m pleased you enjoyed it, but you really must admit, guys have it tougher - we just don’t complain as much. To Juliet O C – What do you mean the end made you laugh? This was a serious piece!!! To Silver Spun Sand – to what are you eluding???? To chagrin – Sorry you found it a bit heavy!!! It was meant to be flippant! To rkclement – Nowhere I’m afraid. I was just trying to hold the gender line up. Glad you enjoyed it anyway. Charlie.
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