Crop by Span

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Crop by Span

The lady says it needs an edit, so the lady gets it:

I dont want you to catch me in the kitchen
with the camera.
[line break between 'me' and 'in' perhaps? Or even one between 'you' and 'to'? (ie I don't want you / to catch me / in the kitchen / with the camera) Scans nicely, though]

I boil peas whilst smoking
watch the ceiling for condensation.
Tell the lens, this is science.
[I like this stanza very much... just a thought, but if you changed 'condensation' to 'sweat' or 'tears' (not the same, I know, but more visual) then you'd keep that lovely six-beat symmetry throughout]

Picture me with a pitta pocket
wide open as a maw
and then swinging into a car parks
to clip red corsas.
[love the opening alliteration; 'wide open' feels redundant - I always imagine maws as being agape - but what animal's maw is it? An arachnid's mandible-fringed maw is very different to a crow's maw. That said, I love 'maw' as a word, so please keep it; not sure I'm sold with the last two lines - it's quite a funny image but it seems out of register and a bit irrelevant - could you find something else more 'on-message' to fill the lines with?]

I don't sleep with my mouth open
which is a problem for porn
but slip me a Radiohead soundtrack,
and I am stunning.
[love love love - only worry is that 'Radiohead' scans nastily... just a niggle? Repeated 'p' sounds work well, again]

In Photoshop,
sweep the sky of swallows.
[like it, but I thought we were inside? Lush image but I wonder if you could tie it in a bit tighter]

Crop me open
like a Technics tape dispenser,
pick out parts with a pencil.
[I like the sound of 'Technics tape dispenser' but on a second read I'm not sure what you mean - and I'm not wholly sure how 'pencil' fits in with the whole photography motif - is there anyway of bringing it full-cricle?]

Anyhow, I think it's packed with delicious images. A lot of my suggestions are off the top of my head so feel free to ignore them. On a broader note, I've noticed you seem to be doing a lot of first-person present-tense image-list poems of late - you do them gut-wrenchingly well, but worth branching out a bit? I'd be excited to see what you come up with.
Hope that's helpful.

The lady is overwhelmingly grateful. That is an amazing crit! Really helpful. It is a re-draft of a speed poem, in that terrible stage where you try and make it better and lose it. Lost it. Tim you just succintly strode in and gave me a wonderful piece of style advice. Joe has been trying to articulate 'first-person present-tense image-list poems' all afternoon and just sounding offensive. Thank you thank you thank you. Hannah x
Well, anyway, Great Fondness For isn't a poem like that and I think it's brilliant. Which is annoying.
I like Great Fondness For alot. I like the implied narrative of the ending particularly . For me, I would lose the 'I like to look at love in private' line or maybe change it. Bring out the art side of it a bit more. Love as a private view. I don't know... Loved: "His girlfriend's face all bergamot and rose / brimmed hopeful and slack" If I'm being super nit picky, I would like peg image - although it is very visual and a cool phrase - to fit in more with the poem. I can't quite place a peg in my imagined narrative. Thanks, Joe
'For me, I would lose the 'I like to look at love in private' line or maybe change it. Bring out the art side of it a bit more. Love as a private view. I don't know...' See, for me, both phrases are spot-on for their kooky surreality. They almost, almost make sense, but there's a logic gap that your brain can't help but attempt to fill. The son's announcement to his well-heeled family is a stock situation, and we're familiar with how it plays out, so twisting slightly is really effective. 'I like to look at love in private' sounds almost like a porno confession, but it's not quite. And the bit about the statue being gay (rather than his being gay, which is what we might expect) is just sublime. I think the lines not quite making sense is integral to how the piece works. I really like it how it is.
I would keep the "l like to look at love in private" line, it's a great line and I like the use of direct speech too. the poem works so well because every stanza reads like an individual poem, and once you've mastered that then your winning. mcmanaman i see you have worked on this since the critics above, and it is sharp and concise, but i do find i agree with this, In Photoshop, sweep the sky of swallows. [like it, but I thought we were inside? Lush image but I wonder if you could tie it in a bit tighter] though i think that 'sweep the sky of swallows' is a wonderful image and i assume it relates to how you can alter photos, it is not clear and does jar with the image of being inside a shop. Could it be 'they sweep the sky...? or does that affect the rythmn? Also really enjoyed Great fondness for... angular as a peg, i could just picture her. Juliet


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