Thanks for the comments, guys, really encouraging. Sorry about the length of it, sometimes I get struck by an idea, in this case a poem of 666 syllables, and then the idea just develops a life of its own. The harder the execute the harder I try to get it right.....Please tell me I am not alone in that? R :)
No you are not alone rovey. I recently wrote a sestina to celebrate six months sobriety...the point being each sestet represented a month and the tercet represented the 'half year' . The result had some good content but was agonisingly tedious.
I am not at all saying yours is isn't...I really enjoyed it. But the comparison I'd make is that it doesn't seem to move forward with defining start-middle-end bits - really hard to acheive with this type of poem and perhaps why it seemed a bit too long for me.
The length was unavoidable but the banality of it was part of the idea. I started with as many devil related sayings as I could think of; the devil makes work for idle hands, the devil is in the detail, speak of the devil and he shall appear, and so on. The thing was, the more I thought about the subject the more I realised that I could get some mileage out of something innocuous looking with the message under the surface, ever so slightly encoded.
Rick Dove (C) / Linktree
Rick Dove (C) / Linktree