Lack of interaction?

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Lack of interaction?

Having come to this site from I'm impressed by the high quality of writing in abundance here. I do however miss the facility to make comments directly under a peice of work and have the same done for mine. The Urbis credit system is a great devise to generate a reviewing culture. Would ABCtales writers like to see something similar implemented here?

hello nicola - this thread seems to be lacking interaction i think these things have been endlessly discussed here which is probably why people haven't responded to you but i thought i would say welcome - and i am enjoying reading your work
We used to have something similar, I believe, but it was axed for some reason or other. Hence we have the 'Discuss Writing from ABC' thread, instead, which seems to work well enough...
I remember the days of cherries and stars! As well as adding crit on the 'discuss writing' thread, and editors marking up with cherries, people could rate work. This descended into the depths of patheticness. With people signing up under multiple names and rating people's work with 1 * (out of 5) if they didn't like them. system as it is seems to work okay. j


you can also email other members with comments and this i think is more meaningful as you can then develop critical friendships. when i first joined i was working on a book and myself and another member kept each other going providing critiques of chapters as they were written, and generally helping to keep each other motivated. Juliet


Thanks all for saving me from the ignominy of having no response to my complaint of having no response. I can see now that this is an old subject for abc vets. I do feel a bit tentative about emailing people directly about their work – it feels a little stalkerish. I’ll get over it.


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