Could this be a vote winner for one of the political parties?
I'm currently on six penalty points for speeding. With any luck I should be back down to three by the end of October.
The issue I'd like to raise is the near impossibility of keeping within the limit all the time. For the past few months (while on six points) I've been looking at my speedometer every five seconds - or so it seems - which is probably not safe.
Despite all my efforts I find myself drifting over the limit for so many reasons:
1. the road dips and the car speeds up
2. my car engine is very deceiving. It's just a boring old family saloon, but it can make 30mph noises when doing 50
3. I get distracted by something happening on the road or a passenger in my car
4. I fail to notice a change in the limit
5. some maniac behind is driving on my bumper.
Another problem is that the signage is very inconsistent. In some places you get a sign every 500 metres. In others you can drive 10 miles without seeing one. On UK roads today it is often quite hard to be 100 per cent sure what the real limit is.
What's more, the limits seem to be applied inconsistently.
I was on a road in Essex the other day which had 50mph signs, yet the area had all the characteristics of a 30mph zone.
To make matters worse, I am not a boy racer. I actually drive very cautiously.
I was caught out the first time because I was on an unfamiliar dual carriageway (assumed it was 40, was doing 38, it was actually a 30mph zone). The second time I probably deserved the points. I was running late and took a risk, but was still only doing 39 in a very unbuilt up 30mph zone on a very wide road.
How many of the drivers amongst us can honestly say they break the speed limit less than twice a year? I ask that question because if you break the limit more frequently you could lose your licence in less than three years - theoretically.
Personally I think it is impossible to travel say 5,000 miles a year, and not accidentally drift over the limit (far enough to be done for speeding) at least 10 times, especially if you do a lot of driving over unfamiliar roads.
The whole system seems crude and indiscriminate to me.
If any political party were to offer a points amnesty (or reduction) for people who had broken the limit by less than 10mph, I think I would vote for them. I reckon it would be quite a vote winner.
Any thoughts?
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