tag lines

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tag lines

Why do people do it?? Frankly, it's irritating.

Reading through the forums I am struck by the liveliness and wide ranging nature of the debates. But in amongst the repartee and insightful comments, we are assailed by barrages of quotations. Why?

Why does anyone feel the need to quote someone else's words every time they contribute? Aren't your own words good enough? It's like reading one of those bloody awful calendars that have dozy aphorisms at the bottom of each page. Are we all sheep, so that when we one person doing it, we have to do the same?

Well done to those who have resisted the temptation to force quotations on us. Why don't the rest have a separate quotations forum where they can quote at each other all day long?

It's because we enjoy picking apart one another's arguments, and in order to do so, we must dissect what the other person said and respond specifically to that. In order to make it clear that that is the statement to which we are responding, it necessitates the use of quotes. At least I think that's why it's done...
I don't think reckless means that, Archergirl. I think he or she means the little default quotes that some people have at the end of their posts. I have nothing to declare, except my genius. - that kind of thing. I may be wrong, though... ...which would make a good tag line for everyone, don't you think?
Hah... Snap!
Oh, oops, I stand corrected. I thought he was grumping about our use of *each other's* quotes, which, I'll admit, gets a little overwrought sometimes.
COS THERE'S NO 'QUOTE SOURCE' BUTTON LIKE THERE IS IN NEARLY EVERY OTHER BWUDDY FORUM IN CYBERSPACE. 'AVE TO BE DIFFERENT DUNT IT! is there a quote button? **scans page nervously** NO. Let's have a quote button. QUOTE BUTTON There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

grumping? you'd call it grumping? Oh. I wouldn't have said so myself, but never mind. And yes, I do mean the 'tag lines' (I believe they're called) quoted at the end of posts - so many posts. Many are however mercifully free of the relentless aphorisms, althouh there are some threads you can barely read because each post has some quote, often long, at the end of it. I myself can't se the attration in quoting at people every tiem I say something. And anyway, AG, how do you know I'm a 'he'? I could be anything.
"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." W. Somerset Maugham


I'm totally with you on this reckless. Never understood the need for the things. Not even for schools, local councils or police forces who seem to have to invent some trite phrase to go under their logo. Just for once I'd love it if they came up with something like: ABC School still plugging away at this education lark DEF Council doing the kind of stuff that councils do XYZ police authority confusing the hell out of you by driving around in those cars that go na na na na na so you can't tell where they're coming from and don't know whether to pull into the side or keep on driving
Apologies, reckless, for inserting a 'he'; it was coffee-o'clock and my five-year-old had had a little friend sleep over the night before; they were up squabbling until 10.30 and woke up at 7.30, still squabbling (in the way only little girls can). You may, indeed, be either male, female, she-male, transsexual, transgendered, or anything else within the realms of human thought. 'He' was simply the first thing to come out (and the easiest to type). Ditto with 'grumping'.
I don't hate the tag lines, but I haven't managed to find a quote that fits me so closely that I would choose to align myself to it. "Beware drivers in hats" is the closest.
I still think I may be wrong, though is a good one... and not just for me.
Ha! Good one Alan. Gareth "I have nothing to declare except my booze and fags"
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