The Writer's Nature

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The Writer's Nature

Reading Fish's thread on 'head weirdness' associated with writing led me to dig out John Gardner's excellent book 'On Becoming a Novelist'. In it, Gardner describes a writer's qualities thus:

"Like other kinds of intelligence, the storyteller's is partly natural, partly trained. It is composed of several qualities, most of which, in normal people, are signs of either immaturity or incivility: wit (a tendency to make irreverent connections); obstinacy and a tendency toward churlishness (a refusal to believe what all sensible people know is true); childishness (an apparent lack of mental focus and serious life purpose, a fondness for daydreaming and telling pointless lies, a lack of proper respect, mischievousness, an unseemly propensity for crying over nothing); a marked tendency toward oral or anal fixation or both (the oral manifested by excessive eating, drinking, smoking, and chattering; the anal by nervous cleanliness and neatness coupled with a weird fascination with dirty jokes); remarkable powers of eidetic recall, or visual memory (a usual feature of early adolescence and mental retardation); a strange admixture of shameless playfulness and embarrassing earnestness, the latter often heightened by irrationally intense feelings for or against religion; patience like a cat's; a criminal streak of cunning; psychological instability; recklessness, impulsiveness, and improvidence; and finally, an inexplicable and incurable addiction to stories, written or oral, bad or good. Not all writers have exactly these same virtues, of course. Occasionally one finds one who is not abnormally improvident."

Okay... a few generalisations there, maybe. But it always makes me laugh. It also reminds me a lot of most of my school reports! Interesting - perhaps comforting - that he doesn't regard writers as 'normal' people, anyway.

Sound familiar, anyone?

I lack the nervous cleanliness and neatness, I lack it in any form, but other wise I'm doing ok by the above list. I thought it was just me...
I thought it was just you, too... I share Gardner's opinion of the qualities as 'virtues'. When I first read it, I thought 'Oh, good. I'm okay after all.'
I like it, and it fits - which is nice, but it fits like a horoscope fits and I think it would fit anyone who reads it and wants it to fit.


Know what you mean, Dan. For me, though, it's more accurate than any horoscope I've read.
of course, maybe it's the wanting it to fit that is the thing


Yeah... but the first time I read it, I just ticked most of the stuff off as I went. Most of it is truly how I've been for more years than I care to remember. Immature, childish, lacking in mental focus or serious life purpose, addictive personality, anal-retentive well beyond simple constipation, disrespectful and impulsive. I'm 47, I'm ill-educated (degree notwithstanding - it's the only qualification I've got, as I left school at 15), I work a minimum wage job (and always have), I have no pension scheme or savings, I spend my spare time doing little to forward myself or to capitalise on any potential I may have, I'm pathologically indecisive, I daydream entire days away, and I'm in my element when I'm behaving like a kid (which my job enables me to do most of the time). I'm quite civil, but I've no respect for authority - and I do harbour irrationally intense feelings against religion (though I try my best to moderate that in discussion). I used to seriously worry about being odd. Now, I'm okay with it. I just wish I could write again - to bear out the rest of the 'formula'.
You got a job??? Aaaah.... I thought you was the real deal...
Part-time, mate. One day a week.
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