stalking on the internet

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stalking on the internet

quite a disturbing tale, rachel posts on another board i'm on, she is a survivor of the 2005 july bombings and started a blog shortly afterwards

she was stalked by a woman, who began posting abusive messages on the blog, then sending abusive emails, writing her own blog which included abuse about rachel

apparently she was stalking others as well, she's been found guilty of stalking and is awiting sentence.

some right wrong uns out there

Good on her!! Serves as a warning to others too. There are far far too many people who are under the mistaken impression that they can get away with this type of behaviour simply because they believe that they are protected by anonyminity on the web. The web and cars are the same: they ease out the true nature in a person because that person believes that they can run and/or hide when they've abused another. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Whilst she is obviously a sick woman, I sincerely hope she is sent to prison. jude


Interesting. I looked at the website of the alleged perpetrator -, and she is genuinely just as certain that it was she who was attacked, pursued etc. What is ironic is that she has a little gif on her sidebar which has an Oscar Wilde quote saying; "Any preoccupation with what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested development". It's evident (I think) that Fj is mentally ill, but if you read her blog for a while, it *initially* seems fairly rational and open. That is one of the problems and also one of the wonderful things with the internet. Open to all and unpoliced, the more fragile people are let loose to create conspiracies and mayhem wherever they may. Sad really.
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