How to become a favorite poet. by bukhar...long name
I find only one piece to comment on here.
Firstly a merit of this piece is its consise nature. It conveys that which it wishes to say in a short and direct way.
However, I find analysis of the nature of the art which we all try to promote a little 'done'. Anyone can winge about how difficult its is to write. The people who end up being the best are those who get on and do. Write until what ever tool you use cuts deep into your hands.
I never tell people that writing is difficult. It is not difficult. Writing is the easiest thing in the world. You put words in some kind of order and then you are done.
Repetition is easy, that is why I do it when I write poetry.
I like the rhythem of this piece an it flows well to read.
Looking forward to more.
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