Your own work _ONLY_ (2000wds or less)

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Your own work _ONLY_ (2000wds or less)

In light of recent descussion:

I am asking specifically for people to flag pieces of their own work here. In this particular thread please limit yourself to works of 2000 words or less. (If someone wants to start an over 2000 words thread that would be great).

Please tell us:
A. Why you wrote it.
B. How do you think it came out.
C. Who were your intended audience.
D. Any major achievements you believe the piece contained.
E. Over what period you wrote it. Did it take you a day, a week or a year?
F. What were your major influences when writing it?

Don't be shy.

Okay Phil, what do you make of this? Roman, by me. A I wrote it because I'm homesick, but home isn't there. And because I love 'Cul de Sac'. B I like it, but there is a lot that I didn't get in there that I would have liked. C My intended audience? People who read stories. D I like the paragraph that describes the village, and the fact that I managed to get the opening scene of 'Cul de Sac' in. E Four days thinking, one evening writing F Major influences? Everything I've ever read or seen really. 'Cul de Sac', Ali Smith, European films late night Channel 4 1990-1996. Cheers, Mark


A Home isn't Seahouses, Bamburgh, Lindisfarne? Where is it?... Great film. I went to school in Alnwick, it's only famous for Harry Potter! B Opening chapter....? C You found one D Clapboard ... clinging nice sounds consonance, is it? E and rewriting? F we are all re-engineering what we've read and seen, hmm? regards Ewan A. I wrote ‘Metamorphosis’ for a competition where competitors were given the first line of a story (i.e. Given the amount of time Brantley had been down the hole, it was amazing his single, lid-less eye could still focus) and left to write the rest (with a 1000 word limit). B. I didn’t win the competition but I was well pleased and thought, for a very short story, it was one of my best. C. My intended audience was anyone, any age, willing to read it. D. Major Achievements? None that I can think of, beyond enjoying writing it and having one or two people tell me they enjoyed reading it. E. I can’t recall exactly how long it took to write – maybe three or four hours spread over a week (I always re-read and edit what I’ve written, usually several times). F. Major influences? None that I can think of, though I read a lot and must be influenced in some way by everything I’ve read.
Real Madras - that i wrote a bit ago. A. I wrote because was at Creative Writing course and we had to try and do some dialogue. was struggling to find what write about, and just thought of banter that came into my head. i think i'm ok at dialogue. B. Think it came out ok. wanted to swear more but feel that swearing is often not necessary, or is a bit bankrupt. the dialogue wrote itself. C. Dunno. Wanted it to be realistic. tried to think whether the guys i played football with when i lived in that london would get. possibly i'm the audience. when i read it back though it feels stilted. D. I sort of took a 'larry david' approach. just made it myself, but myself if i went to the 'nth degree'. think i managed to be amusing but criticise me darker side. E. Maybe a two weeks. did the bulk in one sitting then revised and re-wrote, maybe another hour of that. F. Hmmm. didn't really have football writers in mind. am influenced by arthur c clarke, stephen baxter and douglas adams, but don't think so with this. to me it seems a bit irvine welsh, but i struggle with his work. possibly just football and my memories of playing, trying to capture the moment cool idea for a thread man. it maybe narcissistic to review ur own writing, but its a rewarding process. Peace out and keep the faith. Positive Reinforcements have just arrived! Mik2daeyG i just want a place i can call my own, have a....

i just want a place i can call my own

This is an interesting thread.... It was her? Wasn't it? Is the piece I'd like to offer. I wrote this back in March in response to the Inspiration Point Challenge. I was quite pleased with the result and thought it should touch a nerve somewhere. (I wasn't quite sure where!) My intended audience was the readers and writers on this site. It has proved to be the most read piece I have ever posted here. The only comment on the posting was from Tony Cook who thought "It could be bettered" so it didn't get cherried, in my opinion it should have been and it wasn't bettered! Well not on that subject anyway. The piece took me one-and-a-half hours to write, half an hour to edit. I can't say that there were any influences surrounding my thoughts on that day except to answer the Inspirational Point. Without wishing to appear overly biased I must admit to thinking that it is possibly the best piece I have done so far. I'll keep trying to better it though!
It was her, wasn't it? – by Jingle I liked this story; apart from the odd missing word or comma here and there, it was easy to read and understand and it had a good ending. I think perhaps it could be improved by working in some traffic noise, and maybe some screeching brakes, at some point but; nice idea – I wish I’d thought of it. (Maybe I should start to take notice of the ‘Inspiration Points’)
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