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This is my first week-end on the wagon for about thirty years. God it's boring.

I'm so bored I've had to reply to my own thread.


I knoow.I'v eaten raw cookie dough,not the good kind,a bel poori that didnt work well, and some nasty low fat ice cream."Diet" is why Im not drinking.Ha! Wrist pain banned me from the gym and the other half is away.I'm going to stay up late and watch a naughty program.If I had the right CD I'd put Boston on and blast the neighbours.


I could search on ebay for a dreamy dress I dont need


What sort of a naughty programme? (I'm all excited!)


I have sky it is called sexcetera and is on living or living 2 something like that.


meanwhile I have complete freedom to write something extraordinary and brilliant but....


I enjoyed my first sober weekend in over 15 years so much that I haven't drunk since (that was 19 months ago). Boring ...never! jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net(link is external)


4th day dry and the trembling has subsided only a little. If I was writing this longhand, it would look like a spider had run through ink and dashed across the paper sideways. I've just watched one of the best tennis matches I've seen in years, which takes me back to some of the great matches I played in. One was against an American coach and the 2 sets both went to 6 all and tie breaks. I won 12-10 in the first tie break and 16-14 in the second. So I had the ability to slug things out. And do you know what? I want to go out and have a drink. Sorry, I want to go out and get drunk. I've never had the ability to slug out sobriety. I want to go out for a walk across Hampstead Heath for a coffee, but I don't trust myself. Boring? No. I do have company though, mind you they are fruit flies. How do you get rid of the bastards? I'm putting all fruit in the fridge, putting apple cores, banana skins and orange peel down the loo. I sprayed the whole flat when I went out this morning. I came back and there were a load of dead fruit flies yet a whole new batch have replaced them since. Anyone got any bright ideas?


I don't see how being sober can be boring! Being drunk is boring, and makes you boring to other people. Or obnoxious. Or worse. My ex-boyfriend's dad could be a very funny drunk; he'd play 'Wooly Booly' at top volume and crack hilarious jokes, but then he'd start loading himself up with knives down his cowboy boots and guns in his pockets to go settle some old vendetta. We'd have to hide the keys. Denied that pleasure, he'd then knock his wife around, punch her in the mouth, you know, the usual, until we could restrain him. Luckily he wasn't a big man, but f**k me, he was mean. Sobriety boring? Nope. Just better for everyone involved. Styx, the only thing that will kill fruit flies is winter. I had a similar infestation in some compost I use in a houseplant; swarms of the little buggers, crawling on my desk, over the paperwork, etc. They eventually breed themselves out. It's fun to swat them, although not very Buddhist.
I have lessened their intensity as I've explained above. No food is out in any form, when I blow my nose the tissue goes down the loo. But at least when I put something in the kitchen bin there are not a swarm of them that fly out. All cans and plastics that go into a recycling bag are thoroughly cleaned so that there is no residue of food. There was a Hitchcock moment when I picked it up and said recycling bag was seething with them. It reminded me of a time when I lived with Ms Shakespear and she owned a cottage in Wales. One weekend we went down and got slightly - well more than slightly - pissed. We were awoken by a strange buzzing in the bedroom. We switched on the light and I kid you not there were hundreds of flies flying around. We sprayed the room and went downstairs for half an hour. We went back upstairs with Vacuum cleaner, all the while scrunching dead flies. Yuchh! We vacuumed up all the flies all the time spraying, (thank God for chemicals) as more were coming from the barn next door. I decided after we'd cleaned up to go and investigate. I tentatively climbed into the loft and rather than joists and the yellow fibre glass, it was completely black with flies. And they were beginning to stir, they were moving as if as one. So I dashed down, we sealed the door with blankets and the next morning got a pest control officer out who dealt with them. He explained that normally they were not ready to go out into the slightly cool spring air, but as we had warmed the whole place up, they thought whoopy! Oh yes he Vacuumed them all up with his industrial sized sucking thing. Oh and AG, where's my warm blanket and jam rolls?


Years ago, pre-kids, when I shared a flat with Dave, we used to play chicken with the housework. One balmy evening I noticed a tiny white thing emerging from the carpet, charmed snake style. On closer inspection I realised it was a maggot. So I whacked it with a shoe but then another one appeared, and another… We were infested with them. So the next day, with maggots and blue bottles everywhere, I told Dave our carpets must be so filthy they were now indistinguishable from rotting meat and had to go. We ripped them all up and dumped them at the tip. After two weeks of living on floorboards, we went round to his Dad’s house. Wife number three had just finished refurbishing their place at great expense, including new carpets. I said they looked very nice. She said, ‘Oh, you should have seen them two weeks ago, they were full of maggots!’ Freak weather conditions apparently… ~ www.fabulousmother.com(link is external)
Back to the thread, which I took off-thread. Sorry. But what the hey, it does say general discussion. Did anyone watch 'Are You Drinking Yourself To Death?' last night on Channel 4. Well the immediate answer for me is yes. And I'm not being dramatic just very candid. I've known I'm an alcoholic for over 20 years, but surprisingly my last blood test showed only slightly elevated levels (no I don't know what that means either but my doctor said it's not dangerous but leave off the booze for a while.) Thank you Milk Thistle which I take regularly as it's very good for the liver. But my response to the programme was to go out and get a couple of bottles of wine. Daft I know but I've always had my finger over the 'fuck it' button and regularly push it. It's an attitude which has kept me drunk. Basically I'm just very frightened. Crikey, I'm starting to sound as if I'm in an A.A. or ARP meeting. So I'll shut up.


*notes down Milk Thistle* ~ www.fabulousmother.com(link is external)
According to this, the jury's still out on milk thistle: http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=5435(link is external)
A couple of years ago a blood test revealed a dodgy liver. My doctor was moved to write to me and suggested that if I stayed off the booze for 6 months things should return to normal. I bought some Silymarin (Milk Thistle) stopped drinking for a month and a blood test revealed that my liver was normal. It can only have been Milk Thistle. Mind you I am now conducting my own research whilst drinking and taking Silymarin. I'll keep you all well informed.


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