problem passages
Fri, 2001-09-21 10:12
problem passages
if you've got a passage of writing that doesn't feel right, but that you can't seem to fix, what's it best to do? scrap the passage and start again? leave it and come back to it (years later)? just say what the hell?
because my 'wrong' passages are giving me hell.
Depends on why it feels wrong. With my novel, some stuff didn't work where it was so I put those bits into a separate document and carried on writing without them. I then looked over them when I'd finished that section. Most of them ended up slotting in to other places perfectly. (Well, I think they fit in perfectly - have yet to get it published so no outside proof as of yet!)
If it just won't scan/flow/whatever, ask someone else to look over it as they may see a flaw you missed.
I've always found it's best (never, ever scrap!) to shove it away, out of sight (and mind) for a few days and then review.
It's easier, with a fresh mind, to see the flaws that way.
Stick them all together in a separate file. Then, when your feeling either brave or desperate enough, send the whole bloody lot to a publisher. It probably won't get published but it'll give you a laugh to imagine they're even considering it.
eat more fibre
Like Andrea says, never ever scrap, especially if you write on a computer. I've been through several [re-]drafts of my manuscripts and what I do most often is to use a copy and give it a version number, to distinguish consecutive version, for instance my novel Peccadillo started of as Artisan 1.1, with redrafts 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. Then I realised an entire storyline didn't work, so I started at version 1.5, but opted to give it another title, Peccadillo, and number 1.1. This went to redrafts 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and [when I started to scrap a lot of words] 2.1. The current version is 2.2 [the slimmer revised version].
Anyway, I never throw something out. Sure, it means you are using memory, but even the fattest version of Peccadillo was only 998 kilobyte, so you can fit quite a lot of mss on a regular harddisk.
Hope this helps.