DOCTOR CHERRY: ABC's very own agony haunt.
Tue, 2001-07-31 11:19
DOCTOR CHERRY: ABC's very own agony haunt.
Dear doctor,
I have trouble write too many words and not enough expletives. What can I do?
Dear Dr Cherry,
i've been feeling so guilty. what i've been doing, you see, i've been hitting the five star radio button on my own bits of work. yes, and i've been multi-hitting them too, just to make out like they've been visited by lots of people.
will the finger that i click my mouse with fall off?
a worried not quite fourteen year old.
(name withheld)
Dear Chant,
Chop it off now, before it gets too septic...
Dear Doc
I hear they are gonna start givin' LEMONS for bad writing on ABC What am I gonna do with all them lemons.
Ask someone to post a recipe for lemonade?
(Think you'll be thirsty for a while though Muzzy - unless you get a recipe for cherryade too)
i rite too many rong werds and not enough reserche.
what can i doo?
join the grauniad?
dear doc ches,
can't help cutting the throat of my automatic pilot and driving my words into the deep blue sea of conformity
woe for tea on the crumpety tree
Go **** yourself!
Doctor c,
Why me? why write? Some nights I feel like a pair of compasses, one point fixed the other routing.
Is there an end in site, do I continue to write?
I recommend a soothing drop of jamesons ,some nice moroccan pollen,an apple placed on your spouses head,and a little light music.
The above in no particular order.