Chimps are smarter

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Chimps are smarter

than us!

Did anyone see this?

Has to be nonsense..

Isn't it?

I guess it would be a surprise if chimps were not smarter than humans in some ways. I only saw a clip of a chimp selecting numbers from a screen, but I imagine that there are very good reasons why a chimp might be faster at certain tasks than a human; after all adaptation fits us for purpose. Put a chimp in an orchestra and then see how smart it is; put a concert pianist 30m up a tree to build a nest for the night or ask a professional footballer to feed himself with no more than a stick and a termite mound and see what happens.
The thing was, an infant chimp was faster and more accurate at memory tests than an adult human. But infant humans are better at that sort of thing than adult humans, so there was no like for like comparison. Although apparently they're keen to do one.


It might just prove that infant chimps don't smoke spliffs!
neither do human children - oh no wait, my bad...
hahah.. I thought the speed of pattern recognition was impressive. But as kp Say's, function is specific to environment and i suppose a chimp would have to have good eye to hand coordination. I'm not sure this should be described as a photographic memory however..
I'll reserve judgement. Sometimes I feel me a right chimp! greetings
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