Ah, the final answer, which brooks no argument.
How do you brook no argument? Does it involve diverting a small stream of consciousness and drowning out the opposition? I don't even understand how the statement works. I think we should be told.
The last time I tried to bicycle with heavy shopping, a wine bottle in a bag slung from the handlebars connected with my kneecap. I had a huge bruise and limped for weeks...
I vote 'car'!
J x
Ich can provide a list of animals that can lay raccoon eggs. It's incomplete and correct. Your list Spartacus may be complete but it's incorrect. Furthermore, as Ich and several others know, the details of what an animal is thinking of another animal is always besides the point and fluctuates beyond any reason undoubtedly.
No fine discourse,
from a rocking horse,
wisdom as a rule,
is not mouthed by a mule,
the donkey's braying
has nothing worth saying:
the sense, my friend,
leaves the opposite end.
If I go to the moon
And it has a saloon
I will need a surly raccoon.
But if I see a tycoon
Dining at Typhoon
While a Thai babe
Plays the bassoon
I will none too soon
Draw a nice mule
Or a big baboon
That'll steal his silver spoon,
Now you're thinking like Ewan again. You were far more interesting when you were thinking like Spartacus. *She is going to dump him. She is mine, MINE!!! Har Har Har*
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