Is there any way to sumit work to be cherry picked?

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Is there any way to sumit work to be cherry picked?


Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Editors attempt to read all the work that finds its way on to the site and we cherry pick from that. It is possible that a piece may slip through on a very busy day and not get read but we normally catch it up sooner or later. Best of luck and keep sending them in! Cheers, The Chief Exec.
crouching tiger
Anonymous's picture
you have to calm down. All this 'PLEASE RATE THIS POEM@ stuff is irritating. Stop being so self obsessed
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Some general observations on what I look for in cherry-picks:- something original, something that takes a familiar and makes the reader look at it another way, something with a plot that isn't predictable (plot twists not always necessary - it takes a lot of skill to write a plot twist that isn't just artificial and dumb and out of character), characters that aren't just characteristics, people that have something about them that is interesting and real, dialogue that doesn't sit there on the page like porridge (tip - the West Wing, the Sopranos, John Steinbeck have good dialogue, Eastenders, Casualty, John Grisham do not). Write the piece, take ten minutes and say, "what is magical about this piece?" What's the single thing that the reader will take away with them and be thinking about ten minutes later ? What is the story about, what is its purpose ? Does it have pep, snap and energy ?
Anonymous's picture
I just want to find out what people think of my work, it is polite to give a rating if some one post there work for you to read, after all I want to know if I am any good at writing.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Thank you for answering, is there any way to get feedback regarding my work? The main reason I am posting my poems is because I am unsure of thier quality, my friends and family believe I have a strong talent for putting how I feel and what I see down on paper. But I need some more professional feedback to know if this is something I really am any good at or not. I never made it to the end of school so my comand of the English language is weak for a writer. Thanks for any feedback. KBH
Anonymous's picture
If you want some real advice, stop starting threads about your writing and just write! If it is either very good or very bad someone will be sure to tell you. If you get no feedback you can assume it's neither offensive or inspired. Nobody has the right to expect a reaction, you have to earn it. Will that do?
Anonymous's picture
being so hell bent on getting recognised will ultimately affect your work because you are attempting to tailor your creativity to the wrong cause. I write and submit pieces here through blind disregard for punctuation or grammar because I write as I feel in any one moment and I quite frankly spend little time sweating over my apparent lack of academic glory. I would advise that you write a piece, ask yourself whether you have captured the vision you were intending to translate. If you have then you have suceeded in pleasing your worst critic - yourself. If you havent - then rip it up, spit it out, or whatever - and start again.
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