We are now taking submissions at 2M Magazine.
2M Magazine
2M Magazine is a PRINT magazine paying $0.01 per word for articles, fiction and $5.00 for poetry author ($5.00 per poem maximum).
We are looking for material in the following categories:
Cover Story - Timely newsworthy items. Maximum word count: 1000 words.
Interviews – Well-known artists, such as Bram Stoker winning authors and World Fantasy Award recipients. Maximum word count: 1200 words.
Featured articles - Spotlight on topics of interest (Obama becoming President, terrorist attacks, political scandal, etc.). Maximum word count: 1200 words.
Literary Arts (Short Stories and Poetry) - We promote a high standard of excellence in our literary arts.
Fantasy - All fantasy (dark fantasy, surrealism, magical realism, traditional fantasy). The worlds and/or fantasy creatures must be believable and well developed. We want to be drawn into your story and left gasping for breath, and when we're done reading, we insist you leave us begging for more.
Horror - Any type of horror pushing toward intensity or fear. Must hit hard and fast. Bottom line: scare us.
Action/Suspense - We want to feel what it's like to disarm the bomb, run for your life, or negotiate the terrorist threat. We want the real thing with vivid images and detailed action; we want to feel our blood boiling and hear our hearts thumping.
We claim first world electronic rights and first world print rights.
Well Living
Health & Fitness – General topics. Maximum word count: 1000 words.
Nutrition - General topics. Maximum word count: 1000 words.
Political Science
Politics – This column is called “The Devil’s Advocate.” We will post two articles from opposing viewpoints in each issue concerning hot topics in politics. We will not endorse ANY political party or candidate, nor will we demean any political party. Maximum word count: 1000 words for EACH article. One article will be from a liberal viewpoint and the other article will take the opposite spectrum from rightwing thinking.
Current Events - Top stories in the news, one each on National and World News. Maximum word count: 700 words.
Finance - Hot topic in the world of finance. Maximum word count: 1000 words.
2M Magazine Submission Guidelines
Detailed guidelines for 2M Magazine can be found at http://darkmythproductions.com/2m/index.html
Short Stories, Articles and Poems - We seek literary quality articles, fiction stories and poetry with emotionally charged writing. Fiction, articles and poems must be exceptionally well-crafted. Stories and poems must encompass the Fantasy, Horror, or Action/Suspense genre. It may overlap. For example, your submission may be a dark fantasy or detective story with dragons. In addition, it may overlap with other forms of speculative fiction or genres. We will consider science horror, dark romance, etc.
We are not interested in graphic violence, gore, sex or foul language for its shock value, especially the vain use of God’s name or f-words.
For fiction short stories, each issue will publish three different genres, each allocated to a different author. Word count for fiction stories must be between 1000 and 1500 words. Submit up to two stories at a time. Single space your stories with an extra space between each paragraph. Each short story must be submitted in its own file. We pay $0.01 per word to each author within 60 days after publication. We will pay via PayPal or by other arrangements if necessary. Submit short stories to the fiction editor. Put “FICTION_SUB_” followed by the abbreviated names of the story in the subject line. Label your Word file like this: 2MFiction_Your Name.
We encourage poetry in any form, including prose poems and traditional forms. For poetry, each issue will try to publish three different authors each one allocated with a 500-word limit. This means we can only publish a few poems. Submit up three poems simultaneously. Use normal spacing for your poem as you would wish it to appear. Each poem should be submitted on its own page, but all your submissions should be in one Word document file. At this time, we pay $5.00 to each poet within 60 days after publication. We will pay via PayPal or by other arrangements if necessary. Submit poetry to the poetry editor. Put “POETRY_SUB_” followed by the abbreviated names of the poems in the subject line. Label your Word file like this: 2MPoetry_Your Name.
Absolutely NO multiple submissions are allowed for featured articles, interviews, well-being articles, vacation hotspots or political articles. Different authors will be used for these categories. Word count for interviews and featured articles is 1000 to 1200 words, all other articles must be between 900 and 1000 words. Single space your articles with an extra space between each paragraph and no indentions. Each article must be submitted in its own file attached to an email. We pay $0.01 per word to each author within 60 days after publication. We will pay via PayPal or by other arrangements if necessary. Submit articles to the general editor. Put “ARTICLE_SUB_” followed by the abbreviated names of the article in the subject line. Label your Word file like this: 2MArticle_Your Name.
We accept poems, articles and short stories year round. Simultaneous submissions are encouraged (only for short stories and poetry), but please let us know as soon as possible if your story, article or poem has been accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published works. This includes work appearing electronically that is accessible to the World Wide Web. Stories workshopped on private sites are qualified for submission.
We accept only electronic submissions and your work must be in a Word (.doc) or a Rich Text File (.rtf) file and not embellished with fancy fonts or pictures. Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Your submission should include your contact information (including a mailing address, as well as your email address), the name(s) of the story, article or poems and the word count for each story and article, word and line count for each poem, and a short bio (100 words or less).
Please do not make additional submissions until you have heard from us on concerning your existing submissions.
Submissions for articles should be sent to the Article Editor at: sbabcock@darkmythproductions.com
Submissions for poetry is closed at this time for issue No. 1. If you wish to submit for issue No. 2 and beyond, sent poetry to tnewbill@darkmythproductions.com.
fiction should be sent to Fiction Editors at:
Though we try to respond quickly, please allow 2 months before contacting us concerning the status of your submissions.
Please also use the above email address with your questions.
Fiction Editor Links: We suggest you study some examples on the following sites to get a flavor for what we are looking for. Later, you may also examine our archives. Fiction that is indicative of our editors’ positions and interests can be found at
The World Of Myth (link to http://www.theworldofmyth.com/)
Three Crow Press (link to http://www.morriganezine.com/ )
Sonar4 (link to http://www.sonar4ezine.com/aug08.html)
and Silver Blade (link to http://www.silverblade.net)
Poetry Editor Links: We suggest you read the editor’s position on poetry and study some examples on the following sites to get a flavor for what we are looking for. Later, you may also examine our archives.
Raven-Black Dreams, Little Red Riding Hood Beware, Night Shade (link to Liquid Imagination February 2009, http://www.liquid-imagination.com/HomeLiquidVol1Issue2.html)
Drops of Purple Blood, The Deluge, The Puppet, Incantations, Alien (link to Sonar4 Science Fiction and Horror Ezine, August 2008, http://www.sonar4ezine.com/aug08.html)
Nephillium, Stardust in the Gold, Tabukari (link to Static Movement, February 2007, http://staticmovement.com/InvitationFebruaryIssue.htm)
Author Page at the 'Zon