Which WP Software?

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Which WP Software?

No this isn’t a new magazine, it is a genuine queery.

Also am fairly new to ABC, so please don’t rip my head off, if this has been asked a few hundred times, but I tried to check the old threads and came up blanks, so as it is to do with writing, in a way, I thought I would post it here.

By the way, I tend to waffle rather a lot when nervous, so please excuse the sidetracking.

Software, does anyone have any particular favourites and why?

Now I’ve been using ‘Word’ since it was V2, and although I curse it on a daily basis, for arguing with me about everything from capitalisation, it’s refusal to adapt a simple style, to how to spell, (something I’m all too bad at, but I know when I am right), I find it’s kind of like an old jumper, comfortable but full of holes and I just can’t seem to bring myself to throw it out.
I’m too lazy to get to grips with macros, and I’ve even only recently learnt how to start setting up my own styles for double spacing etc., so hand edit copies can easily be produced.
Also, now I’m taking my writing a lot more seriously, as in churning out an average of 3-5,000 words a day and that’s normally before lunch, I’m starting to find more and more little ‘quirks’ that I’m none to fond of.

So is there anything better out there? I ask,
or are there ways to make programs like this work more in my favour?

Like I seem to remember, back in the days when I borrowed a copy of Orifice 95, on a non-returnable basis, the WP used to integrate with the dictionary far better than it seems to now. Now was that because it was then tied in with the complimentary copy of bookshelf? Or did the dictionary function just work better then, as in you could not only find your synonyms, but actually look up the definition all in a click, a feature that seemed to vanish on later copies, even if just upgraded.

Any helpful suggestions, advice taken with thanks.


PS: The days of ‘borrowing’ copies of software are now gone. I’m all legit now… honest guv… (Or in other words too terrified of Mr Gates’ ability to check registration codes.)

Anonymous's picture
No you get a groovy Mac instead iceman (I use Office 2001 on a PowerMac 7200 /90 and Office 2000 on a Sony Vaio 866i)
Anonymous's picture
Anyone who finds Word [fill in negative emotion here] could do a lot worse than RoughDraft. Its really simple and effective (oh yeah, and its F R E E). Download from somewhere around here: http://www.rsalsbury.co.uk/rd.htm 100% perky-paperclip-free.
Anonymous's picture
I've used lots of WP software over the years, but most of it is obsolete or unavailable now. There used to be a wonderful little program called something like ProWrite, I think. The best thing about it was that it had so FEW features, yet they all worked perfectly. In fact, it could do some things easier than Word. Of course, Word was originally for the Mac, until Gatesy bought it. I've used word for some time. I have the Office 2001 for Mac, and it's great, much better than the Office for the PC. I wouldn't even bother to think about something other than Word these days. Too much translating back and for when you send email attachments to people. Not using Word makes one an outcast of sorts. :)))
Anonymous's picture
Yep, it's a Word world out there. The new version of Word is particularly good: it's packed with user friendly features, gleaming with a creamy new colour, and has a task bar so you can...um, er...well it's really cool. Oh, and there's smart tags, so you can apply formatting, which is excellent for when you want to apply formatting. Which is nice! Word uber alles!
Anonymous's picture
Just tell me they've ditched the dancing paper clip.
Anonymous's picture
The dancing paper clip still reigns!
Anonymous's picture
Not if you have the Mac version. No dancing paperclip. :)))) Yee Haw
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