It's A Hard Life.
While we moan and groan about the Budget we are warned that nearly 400,000 children risk dying of starvation in Niger.
More than half of its 13 million population already do not have sufficient food as a failed harvest and prolonged drought has reduced some families to surviving on little more than berries and leaves!
“Those on the ground recount heart-wrenching stories of families arriving at health clinics with children so malnourished that they are beyond the help of doctors.”
If the US can essentially fine BP billions of dollars for polluting their coastline can these poor beggars who are starving to death get anything from the developed countries for causing their droughts?
Meanwhile, is there any progress on ways to try and reverse Climate Change?
One last question - How exactly does excess Carbon Dioxide cause earthquakes and volcano eruptions?
Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt