Raul mote

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Raul mote

Is Raul moot really the only murderer on the run at the moment in the uk, or even the only psychotic murderer on the run? all his media coverage seems to point that way or is it because of his victim?
Personally I don't condone murder, but it seems like the guy has been pushed to the edge by social pressures and the systems we are constrained in. steroid abuse is wide spread in young angry males trying to beef themselves up, its known to cause rage, or is the rage already there and steroids are just the next step in that process of a type.
If he had of came out of jail and shot a fellow steroid abuser would the man hunt of reached these proportions?

Not sure if I understand, sorry about the spelling mistake, You say nobody should be subject to the violence he has instilled to the locals, but I say the locals are as much to blame for the violence as me you and anyone else in this country. Revolution is the turning of a circle, when the wheel spins it just reverts to type. Yes the goverment is shit here, goverments are shit everywhere, goverments or leaders of any kind don't work, Even Jesus christ failed in the end(the end being now, the end of the fish aeon) Raul took it upon himself, he was a product of the collective unconscious, he done what everyone unconsciously wishes they can do, take out the establishment. The trouble is when a powerful archetype comes to light it takes no notice to reality, and instead of the revolution taking out the supposed establishment, we have an individual taking it upon himself to shoot another individual who worked for the establishment, ie the police.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

As for american craziness, you could just say human craziness. Follow the movement, follow the music, http://dirtyrats.webs.com

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

There is now a £10'000 reward for him, what nonsense, all because he shot a police officer, if he came out of jail and shot dead even 5 drug dealers there would not of even been a word on the news about him.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Roul Moat... yeah... I have been thinking a lot about that lately. And I am partly annoyed that he is getting a lot of publicity. I wonder if he wouldn't have chosen to hand himself in, if the media beast had simply ignored him. From the media perspective, I am annoyed... after all, if this carries on, he'll have his own tv. show... and as the children age, no doubt concerned parents will say , "If ya doont behaive Roull Moult will get yea!" But he is a man, that was once a child and his own mother has said he would be better off dead... That's very, very sad... but also, perhaps is a reflection of how our society is collapsing? how many more Roul Moat's are out there looking at this man, hoping that he eludes capture... wanting to become a steroid man like him...


If he stays uncaught for much longer his story is going to take on mythical proportions and he'll become something of a Billy the Kid meets Robin Hood meets the Scarlet Pimpernel type of character. Having said that he has killed a man and nearly taken the lives of two others, so we shouldn't mythologise him.
Your very right... but who is doing the mythologising?I hope it's not me...Being Joe public, and not living in that part of the country, I have to admit I feel annoyed that he is being made up into some kind of rebel hero... This is local, not national news... surely? I used to have a partner who lived in Newcastle... I know it's not full of people like this... but there does exist a mentality of us and them... the division between those who are rich there and those who are poor is cultural... and those who are poor are embittered by the police...


it doesn't help that my dad was a police officer... so I see things from their point of view.


It is high profile because he shot a police officer and also the fact that he was released from prison the day before gives it a nice twist for the media. He won't become a myth, Harry Roberts who shot dead two officers at Scrubbs Common in 1966 and evaded capture by living in Epping Forest for three months never became some sort of folk hero, he is still locked up and will never get out. Anyway the story keeps the savage cuts being implemented by the Government further down the news chain.
yeah I see that. But I have never heard of Harry Roberts, thats given me something to look up for research... and your right about the cuts... perhaps Roul is a distraction from other unpleasant issues. But the media do have a part to play and that i find hard to swallow... and I am starting to feel sad for the man... which is kind of strange... Have you ever read farenheit 451... in the end the hero is chased by the police, but he goes into hiding, and sees himself on the t.v being killed... I have been thinking a lot about that too.


Moimo you have just hit the nail on the head, I can also see how they are trying to create a temporary myth of this persecuted man who had his children taken and all that jazz and then he comes out and shoots the representatives of "the man" so the media take this and pump it into our heads, but in reality behind the scenes what are the government doing, they too are symbolically shooting each and everyone of our children,

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Another bad man dead, wonder how long before the book is released, The question is, did he kill himself or was he killed in cold blood so he couldn't make any money out of the book, Raul Moat - The man who dared to shoot a traffic cop. Bad taste, but......thats the world we are making right?

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Was it even him? Only kidding. One thing though, criminals are no longer allowed to profit from a book soley about their crimes. Of course I'm sure someone would write it for him for a profit. It did hog the agenda though....along with a story about Russian spies in the USA.
Seems all the good stuff happening in the uk doesnt make the news anymore, if it ever did. Oh wait no, during the a raul moat update there just happened to be a couple getting married in the village, that got reported during the update on the murderer on the run, oh and by the way a couple got married here today, That is no lie by the way. I think it was ITV news.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Will your comments made me giggle, my thoughts were running along similar lines... and if the police hadn't tazer'd him, he might have had his own tv show in three months... followed by an xmas special... "Welcom too the Roul Moot show...And OOn a pakked proogram toonight...Ow I leved in a soower too haide from the bizzies..." On a serious note though, I have to admit four police armed response unit's, who, let's be honest, were brandishing semi-automatic weapons, for one man, armed with a double barreled shot gun... well it seems, at least to me anyway, heavy handed... and lets not forget the media, who seemed to portray the whole event like a seventies cop show... That for me was disturbing... even if he had shot at a policeman, he couldn't have reloaded even if he wanted to. I wonder what would have happened if they had simply left him alone... wold he have come out of hiding and tried to kill again, or would he have got bored and given himself up. I guess we will never know...


and there will be books... books and books... books written by professors looking into Moat's mind...which will have his face on...and they'll be republished ever ten years... books mostly by written by ghostwriters, but under the name of the woman who ran the investigation, the man who ran the investigation, Moat's mum and dad, the woman in the hospital... both sets of parent's... both the grandparents... the man in the dog-van who turned up on the day because he was ordered to... the dog in the dog van... the tiny bit of grit by the side of the road, that, originally came here from the volcano, and happened to be under Roul Moat's thumbnail, so it had the best view of all. I know... Humor isn't the best way to look at this situation, but I know no other way...But considering I have tried so hard to get my stuff published this kind of trite garbage will hit the best sellers list...why?


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