Does Democracy Work Well?
Well, be honest, do you really believe that it does?
In the end I don’t believe it does.
As most parents seem to have forgotten, children generally want things that are not good for them and so truly good parents wouldn’t get the votes of most modern Western children because the have been weaned on unrealistic expectations and false assumptions :O)
I would argue that a benevolent dictatorship is far better but requires an infinitely fair and wise (and probably good) incorruptible dictator…
only God fits the bill.
So, if there is no God what form of government would best benefit the planet and such creatures as dwell upon it?
I’m sure some would say that Nature, left to itself, would do a fairly good job.
Personally, I think that might have been the case once upon a time but we have tipped the balance far too far for that to be the case now…
at least if we plan to survive as a species.
Can modern Democracies or indeed any system of government that serves Capitalism hope to get us through the gathering storm? If not, what can?
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.