Just to say
Sat, 2001-04-14 23:10
Just to say
A HAPPY EASTER to everyone at ABCtales and ALL it's members
pleased to report that leicester's body shop DO have ABC tales mag issue 3 ...
Lincoln High Street's don't . They say it is because they are a franchise.
And I thought Hammicks were those posh after-eight mints. (I'm thinking of Bendicks. ) Anyway, we don't have one of those in Lincoln - it's taken twenty years to get something other than W H Smiths.
And while we're on a Body Shop tribute - the Ayurveda stuff probably stopped me throwing my computer out of the window onto a crowded car park last year, so thanks Body Shop. Plus, it smells nice.
I agree, Happy Easter to you all.
AJ :>)
Me too, especially that auntie lady!
you lot obviously did not have to endure "resurrection rock" at my daughter's school ...
And Nottingham's Body Shop have the magazine pride of place by the till. Great stuff!
To all the members at ABC
Have a great Easter from the auntie lady
Hope all the bitching has gone at last
Look to the future and forget the past
So fellow members at ABC
I promise to be good, Tee Hee Hee Hee
PS I'll never be poet
and don't I know it :>)
No, Lincoln doesnt have it :o((((
Shame really, l thought it might...they looked at me gone out when l asked if they stocked it.
Its practically next door to an ottakers too..perfect.
Perhaps you can ask them if they can start stocking it too? :o)
as it's now gone easter, can I safely recycle this thread?
does anyone have trouble getting hold of the ABC magazine? i asked in the body shop in birmingham today and they'd not heard of it
this apricot knee-scrub is a revelation...
i too have had mixed responses when asking for ABC tales mag ... loughborough body shop looked slightly blank and sent someone "out the back" in a vaguely sinister fashion ... they came back shaking their head ...
i managed to get hold of a copy in sheffield but it was issue 2 and two recent visits to leicester's body shop have revealed they only have issue 2 ...
anyway pleased to hear about the apricot knee scrub ... they have some very invigorating bath products so i have heard ...
Neither does the Kinkerstraat, Amsterdam.
The first one was sent to me free by ABCTales, as I live in "furren parts", but since then they seem to have withdrawn the offer. Perhaps too many contributors live in "the abroad"...
Sorry to hear some of you are experiencing problems picking up copies of our magazine from Body Shop stores. Please let us know which stores you have asked in, including the street name if possible and we will chase them up for you.
Unfortunately, my MD won't let me do a UK tour of the Body Shop stores complete with product testing (you think the apricot knee-scrub is good, try the African Spa honey and butter hand and foot cream...beautiful!) so the more info you can give us regarding where it is, or is not, would be much appreciated.
Some Body Shops are franchisees and therefore can decide whether or not they want to take the magazine, but this is only a small number of the total 286 shops across the UK. If you are asking for it though, it should encourage them to carry on stocking it every month, so keep asking!
Good news for those of you who live near a Hammicks Bookshop though. As of next month they will be stocking ABCtales too. Hurray, we love Hammicks!
PS: Sue, sorry we will have to grow a bit more (just 4 months old at the moment) before you can pick up a copy in Kinkerstraat, Amsterdam but if you want to send your address to mail@abctales.com(link sends e-mail) again we can send you the last two issues and details of how you can subscribe for little more than the price of a round of drinks. Sorry we forgot you.
If anyone else is interested in subscribing, see the homepage for details.
Enough from me. Hope this helps.