web soap commentary
Tue, 2001-04-24 12:03
web soap commentary
this web soap is making me laugh indecently loudly and my neighbours are expressing consternation ...
please give muzzy a knighthood or something for starting it ...
The clever part of this thread is that, when done properly, no one is in control of the story. The one line idea - maybe 2 or 3 to get your character/action across is very good...... but ...............
I mean, Brighton did ok didn't they? Can we blow it up now? Tony? Are you there?
*Subdues involuntary shudder of childhood holidays*
Kill off that macaw and any of his/her offshoots and their ghosts will return, feathers barely ruffled, to do some truly evil damage.
But who shot the macaw? And did it indulge in a lesbian kiss? Will it be buried under the patio? Does Mike Baldwin wear a wig?
WOW a knighthood, mind the shoulders maaaaaaaam,
What could the or something be? nuffink 'orrible I hope.
Thanks ivoryfishbone.
The idea is doing better than any of my work has (LOL)
Then the answer is simple - soap scriptwriting. I think two linen clad detectives, a pair of conjoined twins and a devillish macaw would fit right into the Queen Vic and the Arches...
Damn, I thought the macaw was dead.
I think I'll kill it off again, just to make sure, unless some-one else beats me to it. (hint)
In fact, maybe it's about time the linen men were sent to the laundry too.
*MuHaHaHaHaHaHaHa - tails off in fading echo*
i insist that ian blaise is kept in for another five days, it's in his contract you know. he possibly could be replaced by the other quad: derek amitri (del to his his friends). I also see possibilities for the ghost of james joyce, randall and hopkirk-style.
just to say ... awfully good to see the web soap back on course ... due to the judicious manipulations of apparent newcomer Ironman ...
(andrew must get an award for the poppers ... surely???)
Ivory, I have now threaded in an Emmerdale style vote grabbing disaster opportunity, by gathering all characters together in one suprisingly vulnerable location. Who will live and (as Ron Howard says so often in the Simpsons...) Who will die ?
I still think there should have been a robot. Maybe in the spin-off series. Also someone wrongly accused of a crime they didn't commit. (And more adultery, obviously)
On the soap front, can I just gloat for a minute - Peggy lost the Vic, Peggy lost the Vic ! I want Janine and Terry to run it.