Web-atha Christie
Fri, 2001-04-27 14:39
Web-atha Christie
Muzzy's websoap is going down so well, here is a variation on a theme - a developing Agatha Christie-esque whodunnit. And I think after an agreed number of entries, we have to lodge our various solutions. So, clues, red herrings, blackmailers, vamps, spurned lovers - you know the drill...
Violet Carstairs sliced open the letter as her husband Henry attacked his boiled egg, trying to get inside it with minimum bloodshed and maximum vigor.
"Oh, how perfectly beastly, " she said, "It's another of those awful poison pen letters. Everyone's getting them. "
"Not everyone, " observed Henry dryly, as he dipped a buttered soldier into his egg, "What does yours say about you? "
'How strange' said Henry. 'Well, I would never send you something like that, darling. You know that I would never stoop so low as to use a contraction. But why would someone want to frame me in this manner?'
Henry gave a small cough of embarrassment and went over to his desk, opening the drawer and taking out a letter that he had received a few days earlier.
"I didn't want to say anything, " he said, "I rather liked being the only person in the village not to have had one of these letters. "
He handed it to Violet, who read, "Your wife Violet is planning to kill you. I saw her buying poison at Wainwright's Chemists last week. "
"Nonsense of course, " he said.
"Yes, nonsense, " said Violet, knowing that the poison was meant for someone else entirely.
But Wainwright was delighted. Never had poison sales been so buoyant.
His life and business had been in something of a slump but ever since the mysterious disappearance of his nagging wife, Mrs. Wainwright, and the arrival in town of the voluptuous Miss Wiggly who flashed her eyes at him on a daily basis, things had been looking up.
Business was improving, his love life looked as if it was about to improve and the only creature that really knew the truth was his pet cat, Hilary.
later on, he was expecting a visitor, a mr. quincy macdougall. ostensibly a civil servant, macdougall was one of the principal lobbyists for banning the sale of poison in small local shops, due to the increasing poison mortality rate in rural areas.
should the sale of poison in tiddlyknobhurst be banned, wainwright would surely be ruined...
His only hope was to enlist the help of local woman Violet Carstairs, who owed him a few favours right now
"Well it says, 'After I've finished this damned egg I'm going to kill you' signed your ever hateful husband Henry"