Joseph O'Connor - 10 writing tips

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Joseph O'Connor - 10 writing tips

There are one or two gems in here, if you sift and discount the obvious. The actual tips tend to be buried in the final line - the one I need to focus on is grabbing the reader.

He says make it seem like you're on a first date. Interesting idea, know what he means, but am prob one of those people who chatter pointlessly on a first date ;)

Curses, apparently I have to stop using my 'the narrator is a piece of furniture' routine. That's my next year's work on the scrapheap. And I had such hopes for Armchair Tales.


Oooh, Armchair Tales sounds great, will have to search for it next time I am browsing. Actually isn't that what Virginia Woolf did, kind of. (Once read something of hers about snail trails on the wall of her house - when that happens to me I am too busy hushing it up to think about using it in fiction) Confession - i have never yet read J O'C, just found one or two of these may be worth trying out....


Thanks for this! Very useful reminders. Mo
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