Gay Rights

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Gay Rights

Gay rights, where do I begin? Social injustice, it can't be tolerated. Everyone should be treated the same, regardless of sexual orientation. Be honest, what do YOU think of gay rights, and what does this mean for the future? Lets fuel the discussion.

I think gay rights is a good thing, its sad that many states in america still dont legalise gay marriage, seems bigated in this day and age.
The Australians are a bit behind too...
I don't think gays have any more rights than anyone else, or any less.
I'd like to add that I think the whole notion of rights has become a befuddled morass. More than often folk who bleat on about their right to this or that are seeking an advantage rather than promoting any notion of societal equilibrium. Nature certainly confers no rights, not to any living thing, least of all the right to life. God doesn't take sides apparently, despite what anyone might have to say on his behalf. So rights are not God given or preordained by an omniscient cosmos - they are man made and what any individual man makes he invariably attempts to manipulate to his advantage. Maybe there should be less talk about rights and more contemplation on what it is to be human, the nature of compassion, understanding and empathy - all those qualities we see in those rare aesthetic souls who serve their fellow human beings and never claim any rights for themselves at all. If we all start to tread just a little way down that path I think the notion of rights would soon become unnecessary and cumbersome baggage on the journey we all share from birth to oblivion.
I was raised by a single gay man for 14 years. he's a real piece of work, let me tell you, but what side of this do you think I fall on? there shouldn't be any difference for him or for me, we should both have the same opportunities in life because he's no different than the other humans I know. he's been with the same man for most of my adult life and they are very good to each other. that's all I know, and all I need to know.

Nicholas Schoonbeck

People that don't tolerate homosexuality are pathetic. There's still too many homophobes around unfortunately.


From my observation in life, too many people wish to point out their differences. I once asked a Black man in Nova Scotia---"In Quebec where I am from, we say Negro, and in Toronto they more often use Black. What do you wish me to call you?" I hesitantly asked. "Call me Peter," he responded. Too often we get upset with what we perceive to be nasty innuendos. If any violence or threats are made, then it is a matter for the Police. During my younger days, "gay" used to be a word for "happy" and I wonder why it is now considered detrimental by anyone? Richard LP.
Richard L. Provencher
The responses so far all appear to have come from countries where homosexuality is legal. It's worth pointing out that it is still illegal in a third of the countries in the world, and you can be executed in some of those countries just for being gay. So, yes, I think there's a long way to go on gay rights.


I think that the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is important with regards to respecting others rights. If we are not willing to respect others then how can we expect others to respect us. Christians/Muslims say they feel persecuted and that may be true but if they persecute others then they have no moral highground. JoHn
Gay people are... well... people. People have rights. End of story. It's the 21st century, this shouldn't need to be said....


I live in New Zealand, and here Gay rights are completely legal and supported by the government. But I do feel that gay people here carry a burden that other people don't have to, paticularly gay men. I remember hearing that gay teenage males were seriously over represented in suicide statistics. Although what other people think of you, and your lifestlye shouldn't effect you it does. And self esteem is probably one of the most inportant ingredients to a happy life.
"And self esteem is probably one of the most important ingredients to a happy life." If only there were more people who felt that way Shirley. There are far too many people in this world who boost their ego by bullying others/trying to make others feel small. JoHn
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