RE: The Power Inflicted

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RE: The Power Inflicted

Topic posted in response to The Power Inflicted :

I'm finalising my first three chapters of my novel, The Power Inflicted.

My question is: What are your feelings after reading the first chapter? I also want to know your impressions on the fight scene.

Please enjoy my other pieces as well, Dance Gently and Trial.

Thank you


I see you already have a good comment from Blessing on this piece, as well as a comment on each of your other pieces. I suggest you spend some time reading and leaving comments on other people's works. Try these links for a bit of background on the subject - And this one for an alternative view - I'm sure you'll soon get the hang of it. Best of luck. And welcome to ABCtales, I hope you'll be very happy here once you have a look around.
No problem; I look forward to diving into yet another literary adventure :)
That's the spirit. Dive right in and make a great big splash.
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