Hero to Zero
Wed, 2001-06-13 13:18
Hero to Zero
I keep saying to myself that it doesn't matter ... it's not important that nobody seems to read my stuff anymore ... but then I wonder if that is the case why do I bother posting it here. I did have a brief moment of fame when I had a story chosen as story of the day and my 18 rated posting Angel's Kiss gets a trickle of reads ... but stuff I posted since being Story of the Day is being sorely neglected - with one posting receiving ZERO reads... how do I get to make my work look more attractive ... suggestions please on a £5 note to my home address :)
thanks David ... and indeed everyone else for this interesting discussion ... I'm just off now to start my A level charisma class :)
ask ukpoet
I wonder if its connected to charisma Robert ... lol - if that is the case I may be in trouble
You just gave me an idea. Rather than just having just one fleeting day of glory when you get story/poem of the day, I've now added a page that includes links to previous stories and poems of the day. I haven't got to yours yet cos there are a zillion stories to link to but I'll try to get it done over the next week, so hopefully loads of people will see your old story of the day and be tempted to read the rest of your work.
Visit the previous poems of the day and the previous stories of the day
And I'll give your stuff a read.
Thanks Emily ... for all of us ... I don't know, I do sound like an old grouch don't I ... just put it down to frustration and the ageing process!! (although I aint THAT old!!)
*looking at list of last 10 and pondering "charisma"* have you just changed your name to gorgeous_babe, mr rover? :-)
Robert, I'm neither gorgeous nor a babe ... but if you know where charisma is freely availabl;e could you save some for me?
Wildrover, I think the case is that there is so much work posted to this site - and many sites similar - that there can be situations arising where a piece is read very little or not at all. Certainly, a few of my entries are like this.
Things that i think help are being cherry-picked, being active on discussion boards, begging people to read, getting on the most recent 10 entries at the right time of day and being recommended. And once you've developed a following, I'm sure you'll get more and more.
The answer is really not to be too bothered about it. Easy to say, I know, but often it is better to get one or a few people who will happily look at your work and offer their feedback, and you can offer them feedback.
If it is readership you're looking for, try finding online ezines specific to your genre or style.
Feedback is all well and good. But you have to realise that I rule!!!! LOL
I think we all need some feedback from time to time to keep our feet on the ground.
If you post enough stuff, then eventually someone will notice, law of averages and all that...
Jake is right - the sheer volume of stuff here means that the days of stories regularly getting seventy odd hits in a day or two are behind us. However, it is too easy to get too involved with the number of hits and stars - once again Jake is quite right, it is much better to find other writers on the site who you like and admire and get talking to them. It is more useful to have a proper conversation with one writer about your work and theirs than to have any number of five stars.
No! nothing to do with the volume of work on this site.
Wlldrover is right.
We post some stuff
We look back to see if anybody has looked at our work
and yours is on a (BIG O) and the work each side has got a lot of hits, so it's like you are being stepped over.
I do not want to offend any body BUT some work gets the thumbs up, when it is to say the least well.
Now don't get me wrong it's not sour grapes, but some times you must think how the HELL can this be.
I mean I had cherry once for my poem (OUR WORLD)
and you all thought it was very bad, so do you see what I mean.
I have a message from Spag, " I agree with you Muzzy and not because you are my fave writer on the site but ....well just because".
I thank you
hi wlldrover... It's not overly difficult if you email the link of your page (on ABCtales.com) and/or the welcome page to ABCtales.com to other friends not currently subscribed to this site.
That's all I did... And, besides, I want others to know about ABCtales.com because I believe in what they are doing for writers. Everybody stands to gain - you will get more readers, ABCtales gets more potential subscribers and, hopefully, not only will they come and read your stories/poems, they will read your 'fellow ABCers' writing.
Another method is to link ABCtales onto your own website if you have one.
Now I am going to read your postings on ABCtales!
Best wishes David T.