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I have recently sat back and taken stock of the stuff I write. Some is good and some is okay or even bad. i seen my ratings and I realised something.

I came to the conclusion that if I don't get a rating then the person that read it has not even had an opinion on it. Getting rated is about free opinions and I am all for that. rate me highly, rate me poorly for I have seen the light.

Please guys rate work, everyone's work that you read for then your opinion gets to the writer and makes him/her want to do better or to be more creative.

Oh and click on the banners.

Anonymous's picture
but you just did comment. No implication.
Nice man round ...
Anonymous's picture
the ratings mean nothing. the cherries mean nothing. the writing is the joy and the goal.
Evil man in the...
Anonymous's picture
Yeah I agree that writing as a whole is a joy. You can't but be happy if you get a cherry though :-)
Anonymous's picture
some of them get loads of cherries, but i don't get any. i've never had a cherry in my life. what's it like, a cherry?
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
the following is true: I once went out with a girl called joy button. But I never found it. A cherry would have made me very happy indeed.
Evil man in the...
Anonymous's picture
Everyone needs to know the joy of the cherry or losing there of :p
Anonymous's picture
i think i had a cherry once but i can't find it
Evil man in the...
Anonymous's picture
I can't help any girls find cherries. I sure can lose them for them. LOL
sergio petrel
Anonymous's picture
I took her to see "The Good , The Bad and The Ugly" because it had Clint in it. But she didn't like spaghetti westerns.
Jake Kane
Anonymous's picture
Maybe the ratings should be abolished since it upsets so many people and they mean nothing.
Anonymous's picture
Mister petrol - you should have given her a fistful of pasta. Maybe she would have given you an Italian Job?
Anonymous's picture
Evil Man In The Corner (if that is your real name) you are correct. Better that someone thinks your work is crap, then has no opinion at all. Jake - why abolish the ratings system? If you don't want your stuff rated you don't have to.
sergio petrel
Anonymous's picture
fergusthecult (that's the guardian spelling): Si! Evil and Mark: I have a vision: I see two flatmates staring at the tv, not really watching, ears cocked waiting for the sound of disconnection, neither breathing a word to the other. A door opens. A third man leaves his room and sits in the warm seat, vacated by man#2 who leaps across the furniture. The muted sound of dialup can be heard from behind the door as he hurries to reply to man#3. Man#1 has to wait until the morning as the line is still busy. If only they could talk.
Anonymous's picture
Hmm Sergio. Are you implying that these flatmates are communicating more on discussion boards then they are in real conversations? No comment.
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