self portrait (challenge!!)
Wed, 2001-06-20 22:36
self portrait (challenge!!)
Hi All,
Was just wondering if anybody felt the same as me? I read the forums regularly (as you all know), and I was wondering what you all looked like.
Emily: Would it be possible to put a small 'photo on our original ABC set, (volantarily of course)? I would be interested if the faces match the personalities!!
Or what about a full page of faces and let everyone guess 'who's who?)
What do you think?
AJ :>)
Yes, very good idea in theory. Although I have a feeling that some jokers would enjoy putting up some bogus photos. I'd also like to have a guess at people's appearance first, as I have some preconceived ideas of my own. For example, I see Tony Cook as tall, thin and with black hair. Also, a quite prominent nose and glasses. He also has very shiny shoes and he likes to wear red ties. It's an astonishingly illogical guess and probably completely inaccurate. How strange that mere words from a person can invent such thoughts.
I think iFB mentioned this way way back.
The easiest way to do it is to set up a separate 'gallery' section.
Putting the pics on the ABC set is more complicated and will slow (big time) the load times for that page, which will get annoying after a while.
If all in one gallery then you can catch the ugly mugs all at once.
so long as you can wait.
have you all gone mad?
cor, can't elfin wait
come buy me luverly melons n bananas
We go to all the trouble of finding a nom-de-plume and now they want us to publish our photos - if it's obigatory I'll send a random one cut from a magazine.
Photos are a lovely idea but in terms of technology they are a nightmare, especially for the type of site we run. I love Liana's photo she has on her website, just one click away from ours!
Good grief! Photo's! I'd rather stay friendly with everyone...
I've got to be just about the most un-photogenic person in the entire history of mankind.
No one has mentioned which particular BIT of us should be represented photographically...
I might, for example, wish to send in one of the back of my head.
Or my willy. In a certain light, it looks like Brad Pitt.
Including goatee, Fergus?
Another thread Hijacked,
Yet another thread that quickly loses its meaning!!
Are there really jokers on this forum?????? Never!! Humph!!
So let's think the responses through. Some of the above seem to be saying:
'I get published. No, No. You can't have a photograph it may spoil my anonymity' Nah, I don't think so.
Diana: I do appreciate that 'photos in some formats can drastically slow down the download time, but if the 'photos are kept small etc it can be done. Also, if the 'photo is only on the ABC set page then it would only be downloaded as required.
Thank you to the above for your positive response, after all it was only my curiousity!!
AJ :>)
mefinks mandy meant any old pic from a mag ... not one of er own.
Who is saying they are published then?
Just re read the thread...can't find that one.
Just about every single post on this thread continues on with your original thread topic.
Not hijacked at all.
How's about pen-pictures, then?
Strike a match, then try to describe yourself before it goes out.
Here we go AGAIN.
Didn't say anyone had said they were published. It was a hypothetical analysis. But then again you always do miss the point 'Don't YOU'.
Yep, l'm just a clueless miserable old bag with no sense of humour.
I admit it.
she didn't miss MY point ...
Hi Liana,
Nah, wouldn't go that far. So come on let's you and I call a truce, we've kept the spectators amused for long enough now. What do you say?
(from one old bag to another)
AJ :>)
highly pathetic analysis. sven goran's photo annoys me. it's not right, him being foreign.
This self-deprication is symptomatic of a tuned-in happy young girl who loves a laugh, but won't admit it. Tends to be too talented for website agonising aunties to understand.
So let's think the responses through.
Some of the above seem to be saying:'I get published. No, No. You can't have a photograph it may spoil my anonymity' Nah, I don't think so.
dont seem that hyperfetical to me.
hyperfetical is when you say "suppose a jag is better than a rolls" and everyone knows yer aving a laugh.
so...nobody wants my pic of Brad Pitt, then???
Hullow there ma wee man,
How're yae daein, is yer Brad Pitt ginger, as aw gid Scotsmans' are?
From yin wee lassie tae an obviously big braw man!!
AJ :>)
Hullow there ma wee man,
How're yae daein, is yer Brad Pitt ginger, as aw gid Scotsmans' are?
From yin wee lassie tae an obviously big braw man!!
AJ :>)
isnae ginger, quine
it's as black as the lum in yon butt'n'ben,
it's a sair fecht.
wots it cawd when yer ijack yerself?
mum towd me it was wan kin
What an ansolutely brilliant idea! I'm absolutely crap at computers and such like, so there wouldn't be much chance of me managing to download my own photo unless someone brainy helped me. However, trying to match names to faces could really be fun.
Quite often you communicate with someone - either by phone or e-mail - and yet when you actually get to meet them in the flesh, they look nothing like they're supposed to. Cheeky bastards! It kind of tips you off balance for a while, doesn't it?
Take Tony Cook for instance. I've mentioned before that those of you who have yet to have the pleasure of meeting Tony - and I'll say here and now that he really is a cracking bloke - have absolutely no idea what he looks like. You may have an image in your mind's eye, but you're wrong. Trust me.
Photos! Great idea.
Over to you Diana.