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Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution whereby changes in species are driven, over time, by natural and sexual selection.

However it is arguable whether the modern theory, as it is presented by Dick Dawkins and pals, would have the support of Darwin.

The triumph of the Godless element in popularised science has challenged the beliefs of many and so it is no surprise to find that many people don't know what to believe...

"Gut feelings may trump good old-fashioned facts, and even religious beliefs, when it comes to accepting the theory of evolution, new research suggests."

Scientific dogma supported by carefully chosen 'evidence' or part of a deliberate plan to force people to question their beliefs?

I'm with you Stan! First there is the Tao all else is speculation... What gets my goat is that so many people think that science has proved that the Universe started with a Big Bang or that The Theory of Evolution is true and that anyone who disagrees is a moron - maybe they should check the definition of THEORY! When science gets proof positive that promotes these theories into facts then I'll be persuaded... Don't hold your breath. Nothing can travel faster than light so neutrinos must be nothing ;O)
If you live too long there exists the danger that you will discover all of Nature’s secrets and gaze unhindered into the mind of God. To prevent this happening Nature kills us in our prime; those that she allows to live a little longer she enfeebles in mind and body so that they unable to contemplate anything, except their shrivelling navels. The purpose of existence therefore continues to be a riddle, one that has constantly engaged and irritated the finest minds - albeit very briefly when measured against the overall expanse of Time.
Mangone, is this a spoof? Do you really not understand the scientific meaning of theory? Back to school for you I think.


"Theories are distinct from theorems. Theorems are derived deductively from assumptions according to a formal system of rules, sometimes as an end in itself and sometimes as a first step in testing or applying a theory in a concrete situation; theorems are said to be true in the sense that the conclusions of a theorem are logical consequences of the assumptions. Theories are abstract and conceptual, and to this end THEY ARE NEVER CONSIDERED TRUE Instead, they are supported or challenged by observations in the world." ;O)
Badgers, Utah, smudged echoes. THERETHATSHOWSYOU!!!!


I must admit I hadn't thought of that Terrence.
Ghost Riders In The Sky? "Scientists theorize the existence of dark matter to explain observations that suggest there is far more mass in the universe than can be seen. They believe that dark matter should comprise about 25 percent of the universe; however, because the particles that make up dark matter do not absorb or emit light, they have so far proven impossible to detect and identify." "Computer modeling suggests that the Milky Way should have about 10,000 satellite galaxies, but only 30 have been observed. 'It could be that many of the satellite galaxies are made of dark matter, making them elusive to detect, or there may be a problem with the way we think galaxies form,' Vegetti says"... Read more:
Your time travel joke set me thinking about Tachyons, Stan... According to a Wiki article “special relativity does not forbid the existence of particles that travel faster than light at all times.” If neutrinos do travel faster than light wouldn’t they always do so?
Plastic Tastes? "'Microscopic plastic debris from washing clothes is accumulating in the marine environment...' a study has warned." "Earlier research showed plastic smaller than 1mm were being eaten by animals and getting into the food chain." "We found that there was no sample from around the world that did not contain pieces of microplastic."
'Growing inequality, environmental decline and "teetering" economies mean the world must change the way it does business, a UN report concludes.' A High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability which was established in 2010 by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reports :- 'The number of people living in poverty is declining, but the number hungry is rising while inequality in wealth distribution is rising. Access to clean water is increasing, but 2.6 billion people lack access to modern sanitation. By 2030, demand for food will rise by 50%, energy 45% and water 30%. Women are too often excluded from economic opportunities. The financial crisis was partly caused by market rules that encourage short-termism and do not reward sustainable investment. The current economic model is "pushing us inexorably towards the limits of natural resources and planetary life support systems".'
A rainy day for Cloud computing? Lawyer Ira Rothken told the Associated Press that at least 50 million users had data which could be deleted as soon as Thursday because the freezing of Megaupload's funds meant it was unable to pay those who were storing its data...
From Brainwaves To Brainwords? "Researchers have demonstrated a striking method to reconstruct words, based on the brain waves of patients thinking of those words." "Based on signals from listening patients, a computer model was used to reconstruct the sounds of words that patients were thinking of."
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