Spam Alert
Mon, 2012-03-12 13:10
Spam Alert
It looks like MaliciousMudkip's Where do I go Now forum topic was spammed. There's couple of links that lead you to Wal-Mart.
lol. I spammed myself. I'm an idiot.
Oh Jesus that's weird, I didn't even see it, what happened there?
Not your fault, MM. it's all over the place now. I've just gone to read a couple of stories and they are all over the place.
Where are these spammy thingies, Rich?
Hello, Kevin. Any piece I go to i see words that are hyper linked to a certain super mart Your own comment on MaliciousMadkip's post contained the word 'work' which turned into a hyper link leading one to a earn money at home on the internet site
But they seem to come and go, They're freaking me out. lol.
will do. thanks.
Either than or he's gone off the deep end, haha.
Will do, FTSE. Thanks a bunch. It was downright creepy.
I may still be sleeping and when I wake I will not be seeing hyperlinks all over the place. It's odd that I'm only seeing them here at ABC. I did as you suggested FT by running the MRT, but it found nothing, now I'm running a full scan. It's the computer at work, who knows what goes on on the weekend when I'm not here. lol.
I figured it out. Someone at work had this text enhance program on. I switched it off. Sorry for the trouble. I no longer see hyperlinks.
And to think I almost gave up drinking over this.
Yikes! I thought 'Spam Alert' was what posh folk call the Monty Python musical...
Congratulations Sherlock Hudson on solving The Case of the Mysterious Hyperlinks.
lol. Thanks Kevin. Almost done with Sherlock part 4. You know how it goes when life keeps getting in the way of the fun stuff.