Really Daft Sayings

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Really Daft Sayings

Have you ever heard a really daft saying and thought well how did they know that ?
Like "Touching an electric fence with your finger don't hurt half as much as using your willy " How the hell would they know unless they tried it oooo ouch!

Or this tastes like shit ok so have they ever tasted shit really don't it make you wonder, where all these daft silly sayings come from?

...and if you fall and break your leg, don't come running to me!


If the wind changes, you'll stay like that! You'll be laughing on the other side of your face in a minute! I'll give you something to cry about!


You'll have someones eye out with that in a minute! Stop picking your nose or your eyes will fall out! Don't swallow bubble gum or all of your insides will stick together and you'll die!


'I'll go to the top of our stairs!' ie i am astonished!

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

My dad alays used to say well I'll go to the foot of our stairs.
Ha ha ha love it love it especially Jolon's Stop picking your nose or your eyes will fall out, great ( he says blindly ? )thanks all really made giggle lol
My Dad always used to say "I'll hide your tan." Instead of "I'll tan your hide" I'm guessing, haha.


"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast." "Really, you eat pieces of shit?!" (courtesy of the film 'Happy Gilmour')


new cavalcaderl Don't let the cat out of the bag! Many hands make light work. Eat your carrot's mum would say so can see in the dark. "You can pick your friend's not your nose". Your different as chalk and cheese! Pop1 would said "I'll box your ears in a minute". So on. You've hit the nail right on the head Eat your cabbage make's your hair curl! all good one's written on here. Hopes it's meaning way you all mean! julie xx
Exactly the type of thing I meant Julie thanks for commenting, some golden oldies lol
new Clive Pearson Thanks helped! me a lot. 1 !Don't let the cat out the bag! 2 'Don't tell 'porky pies' 3 Turn your pennies over under full moon! 4 Hark! At Pop calling the kettle black 5 'it's better to be a old man's darling than a young man's slave (Other way round?)may be. 6 What's Good for the goose is good for the gander 7 where! there is muck! there is money 8 A bird in hand is worth two in a bush 9 A rolling stone gather's no moss 10 Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you Do you need anymore brain is thinking! Some remember some relations and paren'ts sayings. But age! helps too. julie
Ha ha ha that's great Julie, seems I have uncovered a fountain of Daft sayings encyclopedia lol xx
If it aint broke don't fix it ( why would you?) Two wrongs don't make a right (???????) As common as muck. ( Is muck common?) As white as a sheet. (My mums sheets were never white) He's not all the ticket. ( Who is all the ticket?) As mad as a lorry load of frogs. ( ???????) That dogs got the wind up his tail. ( No idea) Room enough to swing a cat. ( RSPCA were called)


He he he Jolono lol wouldn't trust you with my cat lol ( if I had one Ar Ar Arf )
Yeah Stan we would say some thing similar in Brum, usually just before rain " Looking Black over Bills mothers" and dam but that woman used to move a lot lol
new Clive Pearson Hi! Do you want any more. Got about 10 mine keeps saying not the kind you want,mean new saying! Just go yes,please or no ok. julie xx
Entirely up to you Julie the more the merrier lol some I have heard before others are new, so if you want bring em on !
New Clive Pearson Ok Here! goes one more try! 1 One man's meat is another man's poison 2 You little 'Jack arse' 3 Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today 4 You don't have to be mad to work here! but it helps 5 Nutty as a fruit cake 6 The sword is mightier than the pen 7 What! A lovely cuppa! 8 I'll give your such a clout in a minute 9 The other man's grass is always greener 10 Don't count your chicken's until ther'e hatched 11 A fool and his money are parted 12 There is no smoke without fire 13 What a load of tripe!=codswallop=gobblegook 14 Don't talk a load of old hat 15 "Quiet else the bogey man will get you 16 If youv'e got nothing nice to say don't say hubby tells me don't say anything at all 17 Too many cook's spoil the broth ()old one) 18 Your not as daft as you look 19 If music be the food of love then play on 20 You can' get a camel through the eye of a needle 21 Out of the mouth of babes comes the wisdom of truth 22 Sarcasim is the lowest form of wit 23 You can't judge a book by it's cover 24 Straight! out the horse's mouth 25 Nothing is as black as it seems 26 A watch pot never boils 27 You can't teach an old dog new tricks 28 In for a £1 in for a 1p Delete if repeated or don't want. Do I win a prize! Memories working. julie phew!
Ha ha ha no prize Unfortunately Julie but you do get an entry into the Guinness book of records as the person with the knowledge of the most Daftest Sayings LOL xx
new Clive-Pearson Oh Go On! Thanks! Iv'e improved then. Well that's made start of my day. " Take my hat of to you". Laugh and the world laugh's with you, or is it smile! Cry and you cry alone julie
"I feel like an icecream" "you don't look like one"
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