The Scary Reality of Real Life ....

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The Scary Reality of Real Life ....

being poised on the brink of meeting some ABC talers in Real Life i have been wondering how we construct each other in our heads ...

how do people imagine other talers look???

and has anyone got any real juicy (preferably scandalously terrible) tales of meeting internet folk in real life??? did people live up to your expectations? exceed them? ... what happened????

come on dish the dirt ....

Martin T
Anonymous's picture
sort of similar situation I find myself in.......politics degree....drifting around after college (in 1988) mcjobs for years.........drifted into social housing.....still not sure what I want to be when I grow up....although I have now ruled out fireman and astronaut.....
Anonymous's picture
I've heard tell that I've educated the odd one or two adults in the last few years......
Anonymous's picture
Martin, darling, if that is your idea of fun then I am seriously concerned about the state of your mental health.
Anonymous's picture
Yes I suppose it would be nice to meet you all one day, but until I read this I never for a second considered what everyone looked like. Is that peculiar? J
Anonymous's picture
I am a seven year olds' education tutor...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Your concern is's not mental illness just boredom....but I promise to
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I think I look great, in my own mind, the reality is probably scary..... I can't make it on the proposed 28th July shenanigans but I want to reveal my suspect visage to all the other suspect visages soon!! Hope the next meeting goes well...and count me in for the next one.....said the drunk man after a night on the beer who will feel the same tomorrow morning....honest !!
Anonymous's picture
135!!!... I win again!!!
Anonymous's picture
Jolly good - but why are you bored eh? If you are bored, stop complaining that you are bored and go and make the change that will make your life more interesting. Take up a hobby! Go out dancing the night away in a club! Find an interest! Or write something!!!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Come on.....let's take this baby up to 200!!!!
Anonymous's picture
....Meeting people in cyberspace is interesting because we construct them in the image of our needs and wishes. It's a subconscious process. Sometimes we can be unaware that it's actually happening. But think about it....we log on and read an email from a stranger and fill in all the missing information: we imagine them as our perfect friend/lover/sister. When we meet them in the real world we see who they really are and than can be a shock. But the shock is good!
J Archer - Belmarsh
Anonymous's picture
Well, I've not got much else to do....I'll try and get this one up to 200 why not......i can't exactly sit down and writ a book can team of editors were not imprisoned with me.............
Anonymous's picture
So, Marcus, you consider all of us here on ABC as perfect friends/lovers/sisters, do you? Which of us is which then? *smiles quizzically* (is that spelt right?) JJ
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
......i just have....posted it up...
Anonymous's picture
I am definitely your weird Auntie Mabel - she of the hairy moles, funny twitch and habit of saying 'bugger' under her breath as she passes tea to the vicar.
Anonymous's picture
Sillier and sillier - this is turning into something from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - any minute now I expect Martin will run by shaking his head and looking at his watch - but he'll have to watch out for wolfgirl if he does - she might decide to make him into dinner! Or perhaps scrabble? With the multiples of five like triple word scores??!!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
i've dreamt of meeting a woman like you........
Anonymous's picture
Then we may assume that you have very funny dreams?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Vivid ones i'll admit to !
Anonymous's picture
Involving hairy women with moles and twitches? WHO just told me writers weren't crazy??
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
....and so much's a gift that just keeps on giving...
Anonymous's picture
What's it called - I might read it.
Anonymous's picture
What's it called ?- I might read it.
never again
Anonymous's picture
a timely return to the original question. last november went to meet a few 'internet folk' in london. after much humming and hawing it was agreed to meet in a greek restaurant in richmond. despite wife navigating we arrived early and booked into expensive hotel (dump). car parked on pavement outside. servicable room overlooking thames and underlooking heathrow flight path. went to wine bar (no nearby pubs) and had several for the road ahead. entered restaurant. there before me stood the goddess. she with the lovely nickname. she with the svelte telephonic tones. she who, had I been single (liar), I wanted to exchange fluids with. did you ever watch that series called 'the life and times of a she devil'? that was her. warts and all. I kid you not. and she cackled. normally I would be sober at such an event. but her hideousness forced me to drink. we split the bill at the end of the night, which I thought was very fair - only to be told later that the food only cost £10/head and the other £25 was for booze and half the people there were not drinking - I said the price of spring water is charged out of all proportion nowadays isn't it? we weren't asked again. my last two recollections of the night are of catching a crafty feel of the she devils ample proportions during a goodnight peck of the cheek - that some may commonly refer to as a snog, but I couldn't possibly agree - and walking back into my hotel singing 'johnnie where's yer troosers' having seen a kilted scot debarking from a cab outside. wife subsequently informed me he followed us and went into the room next door and did not find it all amusing. ho hum. only 14 hours to go.
Anonymous's picture
Giving what, dare we ask????
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Pleasure, inspiration, enjoyment, take your pick.......
Anonymous's picture
Martin, did I mention the moustache? Steady now, I know that you can barely control yourself. Sleep well.
Scrabble fan
Anonymous's picture
how many points for this ? is it a triple word score...... how was the abctalers night out ?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture sleep...perchance to dream.....
Anonymous's picture
..places fist in mouth... well it makes a change ;-)
Anonymous's picture
Well, come on then! You've all gorn and dunnit now. Did everyone live up (or down) to expectations? Must say, you've all gone terribly quiet (or perhaps that's the results of too much imbibing)... Spill ze beans... *waits with bated breath, Guinness in trembling hand*
Anonymous's picture
Ooops, sorry, silly me, it's tonight, innit, the No wonder you're all so silent, at it as you are as we speak, so to speak. Well, I'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow then. Bugger!
Anonymous's picture
Of moustaches?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
.....of beauty, of art, of literature, theatre, film, of all things wondrous in this wonderful world.........and of moustaches of course.........
Anonymous's picture
And when did the moustaches creep in? And if they did indeed creep, are you sure they weren't caterpillars? (And you know what they say about people who dream about caterpillars, don't you?)
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Please enlighten me Jennifer....who knows why I dream and whether I dream about certain things....
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Methinks voyeur has "issues", this is a cyber world....the whole point of this thread is the reality versus the fiction....voyeur what do you look like ?
Anonymous's picture
I cannot enlighten you on the subject - having never dreamt of caterpillars myself.
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Voyeur, if you look at the title of the thread, you'll know it's not the Martin and Jennifer never was....we were talking until you interupted......tell us about yourself, your "issues", you're very welcome............
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
So...did you meet some taler's then or is that joy still to come for you ? I must admitI remain curious about some of the people on here....I will meet up at some point I'm sure....I'll wear a red rose and carry a copy of an Audie Murphy book.
Anonymous's picture
er, is this the interval?
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
I had a wonderful time. Met lovely people whom I would love to meet again soon. Drank huge amounts of alcohol and laughed constantly. Thank you Fish for your warm welcome and tremendous hospitality. It was a pleasure to be your guest.
Anonymous's picture
I met a young ex-policeman in Belgrade, at a birthday party thrown for me, a couple of years ago. I'd actually spoken via an instant messaging programme to this guy for about a year beforehand, and he was charming and chatty. About an hour into the party, it became very obvious, even through a tequila haze, that this guy was an absolute nutter, He pounded his fist on tables, shouting and screaming his political leanings, and then invited people who didnt agree with him outside for fights. Worst of ALL He committed an unforgivable sin, by, atrociously, sporting a pink jumper and green jeans. (Brrrr - and yes, I'm shallow, ok?) When we finally managed to get rid of him, two of my friends wallets appeared to vanish at the same time along with a necklace that a friend had given me as a gift. I spent the next two weeks avoiding him like the plague,as he bombarded both me, and the friend l was staying with, with hundreds of mad stalker phone calls.... A salutory tale? :o) On the other hand, I have met dozens of others, who have been a real joy, and whom I now count amongst some of my closest friends.
Anonymous's picture
Well, you are definitely dark-haired Fishy, petite and quite voluptuous. You wear glasses. I see Jake Kane as tall, thin and a smoker, with very dark hair. Liana however I view as a blonde lady. Mark Yelland-Brown I see with curly auburn hair. Stormy Petrel has long hair I feel and a rather distinguished nose; the hair is receding perhaps. He's about seven feet tall. Fey Mouse has an incredible kind, sensitive face and very large green eyes. It's very odd how these little perceptions creep in and stick. Usually, if I speak to people on the 'phone I am usually spot on about their appearance. However, just reading their words is quite a challenge. I haven't met anyone on the internet but I did e-mail an old ex-boyfriend recently, simply because I discovered his scripts on the net by accident. He was a very handsome devil when we were together but I was rather shocked by the recent photo he e-mailed me back. Let's just say that some things are best left in the past and your imagination. (Go on, you all can have a laugh at my complete misconceptions)
Anonymous's picture
I'm told I'm blonde on the inside The Lady part is a bit disconcerting though......:o)
Anonymous's picture
sorry, must have accidentally pressed send instead of capital letter button
Anonymous's picture
ice creams anyone?
Anonymous's picture
I met Eric in a pub in Aberdeen called' The Misplaced Apo'strophe.' He looked just like I imagined he would - like an Eric. I quickly discovered that he has many female friends, all of whom are called 'Elaine'. He had in his pocket a photograph of an old geezer with a trumpet who was being adored by two young nubiles. I advised Eric to forsake his bongos and take up trumpet playing immediately. Hopefully he will be in South Africa when he does so.
Anonymous's picture
Stormy is taller than me :o) We had a great time....large jugs of Pimms in tiny pubs with low ceilings, great food...and an alarmingly long game of Therapy.
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Hijacking the thread? we are theatrical aren't we, I see you as Charlton Heston in one of those airport movies, trying to rescue the thread. Please tell me how one can hi-jack a thread when everyone on the site has access..........


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