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Who believes in ghosts?

The house where I used to live.

Built in the (19 20s) not that old really, but it don't have to be does it?

Most poeple who came to this house had some kind of exsperience.

One cold November night, just me and Meg my dog were watching the TV, (well I was, Meg was laying down in front of it)
Anyway in those days TV used to finish round about midnight
and the little white dot was on its way.
So with no remote control I had to get out of my chair to turn the TV off ( phew) clicked off the TV and had a play with Meg.

BUT all of a sudden Meg sat up on her hind legs and she was looking over my shoulder her lips curled up with her teeth showing, her hackels raised and a deep throat growl followed.
and I was fully aware the was somthing behind me, but I could not bring my self to look round, this must of lasted all of ten seconds, but that was ten seconds of terror. Maybe Meg warned it off.

Meg licked my face as to say it was over, it was gone for now.

That was just one of the things that happend there.

Anonymous's picture
I do not believe in ghosts; however, I do believe in in Angels and devils. My theory is that many of the supernatural sightings are satanic encounters. I have only had a few encounters with manifested supernatural beings. I'm convinced they were satanic. Unfortunately, I have not seen an Angel yet but I'm sure I have benefited from their help and protection on many occassions. I am emotionally handicapped but the presence of God is still very real for me. Only a believer is protected against the full power of satan's hinchmen.
Reality Check
Anonymous's picture
Dude...lighten up.
Anonymous's picture
hey, lost pilgrim, interesting outlook on life there. It certainly would explain a lot. Angels have the power to manifest themselves on earth in a visual form, but do devils? Their influence is on a spiritual level, but a visual one? I guess it might be possible, it would be dangerous to undermime the power of Satan. Perhaps other writers might have insights to offer here...?
Anonymous's picture
I must close this thread its getting to spooky
Anonymous's picture
I reckon Andrew Pack should write a story on it.....
Anonymous's picture
Interesting! I love a good ghost tale. Write a story about it. Sounds like interesting reading to me. ;o)
Phil Spectre
Anonymous's picture
Gottcha!!... It was me!... (I hate that bloody dog.)
Anonymous's picture
Chains chains.
Anonymous's picture
Meez du groast of pissmas farst hic hic What doo loooking hat
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