Going Down ....

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Going Down ....

earth to ABCtales ... is anybody there? ... is the site BACK or am i just dreaming????

Anonymous's picture
mmm not sure Fecky - do you have knitting pattern for that? :-)
Roy Bateman
Anonymous's picture
Bugger. The title of this thread was MOST deceptive.. oh well, off to my usual sites..
Anonymous's picture
Cor blimey! I just went and did a bit 'o' gardening...
Anonymous's picture
Roy's a boy, is he not? Still, it a treacly delight to see Fishbone back on top. The site going down was really quite odd. I loaded a story and by the time I reached it again, it had disappeared into the highly numbered jungle. C'est la vie and all that......
Anonymous's picture
Heavens, Wolfie, what a mind you've got to be sure. Roy a boy, yes, although the association of thought would never have entered my head. The delphinuims are flowering nicely... C'est la vie, indeed.
Anonymous's picture
I've just returned from my usual site - the one devoted to the study of lifts, of course - and I'm completely at a loss to understand what everyone's talking about. (Believe that and you'll believe anything.)
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Sorry about that everyone. Power cut killed an important computer and our techy had to spend all day Saturday in the office building a new one (could go into techy details about there being back ups but primary DNS being hosted on the internal box but that would probably be far too confusing!) All fixed now (and *hopefully* shouldn't happen again.) *Really* chuffed you missed us so much tho :-) Cheers Em
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Phew.....you leave town for a few days at your Lovely mum's place in Bath, and all hell breaks loose at ABC. Thankfully, I was blissfully unaware of the trauma. Thank gawd everything is up and running again..... Love to all
Anonymous's picture
Nice to see you back, T. And even more delighted that you describe your mater as 'lovely'. Oh, for a son like that...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for the welcome Andrea......and I re-emphasise....my mum is loverly......"hello mum, I got back alright....no delays on the train or the tube.....and I didn't talk to any strangers.....at least until I got to the pub!! "
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Liana, and a nicely ironed vest as well, she also ironed the underpants and everything else, I'm well turned out, and everything will be ok if I have an accident. My mum won't have to be embarrassed at the hospital.......
Anonymous's picture
I think it IS back.. but is everything MASSIVE on your screen Fish? Cant do anything with it here......
Anonymous's picture
oh goodness ... is that REALLY you liana? .... i feel as tho i have stepped through the mirror like Alice ... everything is normal sized on MY screen ... but i think i see Marky YB in the corner dressed as a rabbit (or is it a gineau pig) ... and he is holding out a bottle saying "drink me" ...
Anonymous's picture
just eaten a bit of mushroom...or was it drank from the other bottle... everything back to normal now Perhaps it wasnt massive on the screen at all, but simply my w i d e eyed shock at seeing it up at all......
Anonymous's picture
it's been terrible hasn't it? ... i still think we should go ahead with the Post ABC Trauma Support Group though ... what do you reckon? .... oh ... and why are you wearing that outfit? ... and that CROWN .... *trembles*
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
You leave my rabbit and guinea pig out of this they're only babies, gosh I'm glad we're back that was quite worrying!
Anonymous's picture
worrying? ... WORRYING?????? ... dear marky YB ... you have NO idea .....
Anonymous's picture
Mark - need counselling desperately. Have smoked 10 packs of fags, and am half bald. Good job I have a CROWN to cover it. *Looks at Fishwife and Fecky meaningfully*
Anonymous's picture
I thought Jesus saw fit to disenfranchise me! (No offence meant, he shouts as he runs for the bunker.)
Anonymous's picture
i drank an entire bottle of absolut vodka (tangerine) that someone mistakenly left here ... conspiracy theories have abounded too ...
Anonymous's picture
Thank goodness abctales.com is back - in it's absence I was forced to knit and even have a conversation with my dad! Don't ever let it disappear again. Sarah.
Anonymous's picture
*looks at fecky.... sees potential demarcation dispute*
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Liana don't mention bald! Mississippi, I just know Jesus will forgive you, as for me? oh go on then! Ickle could you knit something for my rabbit, Arfur I think I've traumatised him without my constant attention, hands off I hasten to add. Finally IFB and Liana, nicotine and alcahol, please look after yourselves better! We need you to stay healthy to maintain standards!
Anonymous's picture
If that ickle princess is in anyway related to The Queen she can knit her cloaks & crowns for her. iFB, your shark suit will be ready for a fitting long before the end of the breeding season... Then to the stab-proof for Mississippi.
Anonymous's picture
MYB- of course if abctales disappears again then I will knit something for your rabbit. So just incase send me your preferred knitting pattern. Fecky - I am of no relation to The Queen but I am sure she would still love a knitted cloak and crown from me. Will set about doing this in the remainder of my holidays! Sarah.
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