Make the bankers accountable
Rather than open another costly inquiry into institutional corruption in The City, how about grabbing a dozen or so untouchable gentlemen from the top and slamming them in prison until such a time that they told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I know it goes against civil liberties and procedural daintiness but the twats at the top are running rings around us, not least the useless govt, who are surely involved in some way, and as soon as they get caught, they just jet off to the Cayman Islands to look at their balances until the heat dies down.
These are common criminals with the backbone of a flea. They hide behind equally shady lawmen who have their stories ready before the crime's even been committed.
If they had nowhere to hide and no one to protect them, they wouldn't be so happy to screw the rest of the world.
Does anyone think we need to take drastic and divisive action against these economic criminal fraudsters or are they just doing what everyone else would do, aware that the govt is 'powerless' to stop them?