new Scratch
I miss him too! Scratch! Met first time at
'Wheatsheaf' London. Told him I'd bring a teddy!
for his new baby girl! Not sure if can go yet!
Bless him,come back soon scratch! I'll keep teddy,
new for you. Mine won't take me York! Could have had a b/b somewhere, oh! dear some men won't join in will they,want go somewhere,reasons don't travel far.
Hope all is well,had ear problem!
take care
julie x
I don't have a clue what has happened or where he is.
But I'm sure that he would be chuffed if he knew that people even cared. I know that he can be an opinionated toe-rag at times but I think that he means well nonetheless.
Seriously for a second dear people, it is as jolono says, a lovely (long) holiday is the simple reason for my absence. It's lovely to here from you and to think that you might even care that I've not been around.
The York evening is ON.
You have probably seen TC's message. I have spoken today with the Black Swan and everything is as advertised.
Big smile to you all from me.
It's been so long that I have even forgotten how to spell simple words like 'hear'!
PS, Highhat, SOOO good to see your name up after your sojourn elsewhere.
Julie keep that Teddy warm for the little girl.
Parsons I'll see you in York on the 21'st.
Maisie, thanks for even noticing.
Stan, I am the worlds sh*+#est at email. I never even saw your message (still haven't) no insult or rebuff intended mate. If you read in London good luck.
Parson Thru
Guess what? I'm still alive!
Parson Thru