"Pullin' Sickies"
I have been known in the past to pull the odd sickie here and there (it needs to be done now and then)
I am interested to know what some of the worst excuses you have have used when calling in sick at work or when you just couldn't face going in....
(I promise never to use them for future days off)
One of my most appalling excuses was this:
While working at a day centre in Birmingham, I was always late. I didn't drive in those days and had to rely on the unpredictable number 11 to transfer me to work. (Needless to say, it was constantly late, no matter how early I got to the bus stop)
After repeated lateness, my boss had me in her office, and told me that from now on she would be monitoring my arrival times, as this was unacceptable behaviour for someone responsible for a group of people in my care.
The very next day, there I am waiting for the number 11. I was already 25 mins late and it was not my fault! The only option was to phone in with a good reason for not turning up to work...
As I had been in fine health the previous day, I could not call in sick. There had to be another way....still seething from the lateness of the number 11 I found my excuse...
I phoned in and told the manager that I had been traveling to work and the bus had been pulled over by police. Apparently, someone had called in a bomb threat and all buses on that route had to be detained for "bomb searching"
I swear to God this is the truth!! unfortunately, I still had to go to work, but I was allowed to go in after lunch....I can't believe it worked though!!
Another lame excuse I used(at the same place) was that while in the night, I had been sleep walking or something, and had fallen down the stairs seriously damaging my back. I told them that I had woken in the morning lying at the bottom of the stairs...(I had forgotten that we had an on sight pyhsiotherapist however) and when returning back to work, I was prodded and manipulated pretending to say" oooh that hurts" in all the right(I hope) places.
Please don't let me the only one with naff "sickie" excuses.
tell me yours!!!!
(God, I hope that my old boss doesn't read this!)
Half the time the phone call in its self is not worth the hassle of one measley day off from work!