New Stuff

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New Stuff

As this site continues to grow, it's getting harder and harder to keep up if any of our own personal favourite writers and poets posts anything new.

There are several writers on this site whose work I admire, but I could easily be missing out on new stuff.

So, a suggestion. If anyone is interested, we could form a sort of club within a club whereby we let each other know if we've posted anything new.

I can think of a number of writers who I'd like to keep track on. If anyone responds to this in the affirmative, then I promise to e-mail you anytime I've posted "new stuff" and, more to the point, I would like to hear from you whenever you have a new piece.

I posted a short article yesterday and within minutes had heard from Ralph Dartford. Amazing!

andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I suppose you could save Ralph's page of abc sets as a Favourite or bookmark, and just click to it once a week or so ? I always know when Barry posts something, because I get his little mailing list circular. There is some merit in this, because it's horrible when you send something out and it misses the last ten entered and you have to wait ages for someone to read it - on the other side of the coin, it is really good to be exposed to writers you hadn't read before, who are top-class... Deep breath :- for example, Islandwriter, wtate, barenib, Primate, Fecky, poetjude and tgillespie; who I've all started reading only in the last month and have absolutely dazzled me with some of their pieces.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I suppose you could save Ralph's page of abc sets as a Favourite or bookmark, and just click to it once a week or so ? I always know when Barry posts something, because I get his little mailing list circular. There is some merit in this, because it's horrible when you send something out and it misses the last ten entered and you have to wait ages for someone to read it - on the other side of the coin, it is really good to be exposed to writers you hadn't read before, who are top-class... Deep breath :- for example, Islandwriter, wtate, barenib, Primate, Fecky, poetjude and tgillespie; who I've all started reading only in the last month and have absolutely dazzled me with some of their pieces.
Ralph Dartford
Anonymous's picture
Karl Good Idea Karl. Sometimes you have to be quick of the mark to locate anything new by writers that you want to read. So here goes. I have two new pieces of work on the site this week from my set. 'Last Night In Soulville' There is a problem doing this. It looks like self promotion to readers who have not read your work before. Oh I dont know. . Ralph
Anonymous's picture
Yep, am in agreement. I posted a new story last week (too bashful to tell you the title!) and, natch, it activated the poo-bum thingy, so by the time it came up it was around the 60 mark. Consequently, it's only been read a couple of times, which is a shame, 'cos I quite liked it... Still, we've been moaning about this one for ages, ain't we?
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Ralph, I don't see it as self-promotion. You're only informing people who have shown a preference for your work that you have a new piece online. You're not letting the whole community know. I too get Barry's little e-mails, Andrew, and am very grateful for them. Andrew, Ralph and Andrea, you're all now on my list. Although you were anyway. But I'll now expect to hear from you when you have a new piece online. Ralph, I'll check out your two new pieces.
Anonymous's picture
good idea ... it is a simple matter of setting up a group email list ... so any time you post something you can email the news to those interested ...
Anonymous's picture
Seems like a good idea to me :)
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Haven't written anything since Practice of Crabs Karl - too busy reading - and doing all the editing for this competition story. But I will let you know, should I ever get round to it again. I suppose one way is to click onto the story after you've posted it up and use the email story facility to those who have registered an interest in your work.
Anonymous's picture
Yep, for once I agree with all of you! with the possible exception of the mighty fish we all probably have items languishing in the bowels of abc with reads in the lower single figures. As Andrea says, if the poobumwilly gets you, or if you time it wrong as I often do, a piece can disappear never to be read again. I posted a new poem yesterday early afternoon. when I checked back in early evening something like 45 newer pieces had been posted! It's almost impossible to keep up with that volume. I'd get more reads and feedback if I nailed it to the telegraph pole up the road. I agree with ralph and the self promotion thing - something I detest - but I suppose it depends on motive. If you are saying "look at meeee, look at meeeee, I wanna be published, I'm so bloody good" then you can piss off. If, however, like most of us you just want others to enjoy (hopefully) your work and give some honest feedback - good or bad (constructive) - then I suppose it's ok. count me in anyway.
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