Crying at films when your partner is there...

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Crying at films when your partner is there...

Now, I'm quite honest with my fella, I am completely myself with him and do pretty much what I like. I have been with him for ten years now, but there is still something I can't do in front of him....cry at films! I don't know what it is, maybe I like to appear tough and emotionless or something, but I just can't cry at films!! When we go to the flicks, or watch a movie together, I just have to blink incessently for half an hour so he does not see.....Pleases bear in mind that it takes a LOT to get me going!!!
Do any of you have this socially crippling illness, or is it just me?

(I only cry at really,really sad films, not just any old flick on the box....does The English Patient count or am I just really sad?.....I like Ralph Fiennes, so I may be excused i hope!)

Anonymous's picture
Oh, Fish! That's one of the films I didn't do either at... *wonders if that makes sense*
Anonymous's picture
I cried at the Iron Giant last year when we got it on dvd How sad is that!! You know the part when he gets blown to bits... Its a cartoon for Christ sake but I have to start the blinking and looking at anything but the tv when that part comes on... Oh God, I am hopeless! Such a cracking film though.
Anonymous's picture
well ... confession is good for the soul ... i cried buckets watching the Horse Whisperer ... the only thing i can say in my defence is that i was going through a hard time ... *coughs and shuffles off stage left*
Anonymous's picture
I cryed at the end of 'Armagedden.' It's a crap movie but I couldn't help myself, I'm ill, I need help.
Anonymous's picture
My ex used to cry at everythin! In 'The English Patient (packed house) her whoops of anguish were a bloody embarrassment. I don't really cry at films but three get me bad style: You've Got Mail (sniff) Annie Hall (sniffle) The Wizard of Oz (sob) maybe I'm gay stevo actually I cry more at moies since old sobby chops left me. She was the real master of the genre. You should have seen her go. Like watching a goldfish take eye drops.
david floyd
Anonymous's picture
I have to admit the Celene Dion song at the end of Titanic did for me. I didn't know whether to cry or vomit. David
Anonymous's picture
All hail Ralph Fiennes!!!!! Returning to the thread, this may seem really horrible of me, but when I see those little orphans on telly starving and needing help, sure I feel sad and moved. But when they show a documentary about dancing bears with hoops through their torn noses, forget about it! I can't bear to watch... Why is it that human suffering pales in comparision to animals been tortured? The world has gone mad...(or is it just me?)
Anonymous's picture
Me too? Did you see 'Alien 3'? In it, countless people die, but all I cared about was the poor dog who died at the begining. Oh how I wept.
Anonymous's picture
I am usually pretty dry eyed at films....I get amazed when people cry, but I am pretty sure its because I have the attention span of a gnat, and am usually not sufficiently "into" the entire film. Two, have really done it for me though, years ago, Dr. Zhivago left me in bits for most of Christmas, and last year I saw the Green Mile, which to my eternal surprise made me sob my boots off....
Anonymous's picture
yeah the green mile got me too
Anonymous's picture
it’s what makes us british, linsi! give us an asylum seeker and we’ll treat him like a criminal; give us a slightly dishevelled donkey and we’ll build a sanctuary for it...
Anonymous's picture
While we are on the topic of animation, who remembers The Night Mare before Christams?
Chris Tams
Anonymous's picture
neenar neenar I remembered it first!
Anonymous's picture
How can one forget Nightmare Before Christmas? Tim Burton and Danny Elfman, always a powerful combination. (Except in Planet of the Apes, obviously!)
Anonymous's picture
are there 2 films called the green mile? the one I saw went on for about 6 hours and hinged on a surprisingly tall person, an unfeasible party trick, and a bladder infection...
Anonymous's picture
Bambi. You know wat I'm talkin about!
Anonymous's picture
See what I mean, Beach? I do believe Stormy's got a good one...
John L
Anonymous's picture
You big girls!! Oh all right then. Wuthering Heights - the black and white version with that Laurence Olivier bloke.
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
I cried at `The Planet of the Apes`, the wasted money and time, awful film, that ending! `The Colour Purple`, but I had drunk a bottle of red wine. `Sophies Choice` , old film with Meryl Streep, very sad! ¬The Producers` Mel Brook's film with Gene wilder, cried with laughter, "My blanket, my blanket!"
Anonymous's picture
Can I possibly be the only person here that is reduced to tears everytime I have to sit through somebody's shite home video of their holiday/wedding/baby/shagging or anything else they see fit to point a bloody camcorder at?
Anonymous's picture
PUDDING ON THE WRIST! tears of joy
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Should that be `Putting on the Ritz` We should be told!
Anonymous's picture
people show you videos of themselves shagging Mississippi? good grief.....
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
You're right of course `Young Frankenstein` Brilliant, funny and I love and miss Igor, or is it Egor?
Anonymous's picture
Having just read that last post of mine, I can't believe I just admitted to crying.....if my friends could see me now!! Don't get me wrong, a lot of things move me very much, but I can't be seen to condole crying at "Dirty Dancing" like a few of my old school friends have!
Anonymous's picture
Andrea, 'Stormy's got a good one.' A good what? Pray tell...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I cried at a film called "where the red fern grows" but I was only 11 at the time and it was about a couple of dogs who died...... I love films which "get " to me....if it makes you cry, good, it's am emotional response......... (.......exits searching for a hankie.....sob sob !!)
Anonymous's picture
Oooh, can't. It's a secret.
Anonymous's picture
i cry every christmas eve watching "it's a wonderful life" and i don't care who is there ... roll on christmas ...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Jimmy gets me every time....wonderful life always.....but also "Mr Smith goes to Washington".............
Anonymous's picture
I'm as puzzled as you are puzzled. it's all too cryptic for me and I'm the subject of the secret! wanna share that secret with me andrea or beach? feel free to whisper privately if you don't want to go public.
Anonymous's picture
....also Ralph's favourite film, it's a wonderful life, when he gets all that money form the grateful townspeople, when he runs through the town saying he loves everyone.....hope it's on at Christmas....even though I own the video, I prefer watching it when I know loads of others are too....
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Storms...simple really. Summink to do with a posting on a thread (what I've since forgotton) in a Forum (can't remember which one) where BeachBall mentioned something about he had trouble with his head, like. So was recommending your shrink, 'oo you asserted was top notch (in another posting whose content temporarily escapes me). See?
Anonymous's picture
Wa? You speak in tounges Andrea.
Anonymous's picture
I felt tears welling in my eyes when I went to watch this film called' Injustice' last Saturday at the MAC in Birmingham. About the shocking number of deaths in police custody. And the families struggle to get justice, how the legal sytem keeps letting them down. Even though a jury found these officers guilty of 'unlawful killing.' not a single officer was charged or suspended from his duties. Worth going to see it if you can. Though because of the hassle cinemas have been getting from the police, who are threatening to sue some of them for showing it, it might not be easy. heres the site address if anyone wants to find out more about it
Anonymous's picture
ahh, clear as mud andrea. I think my shrink still has space on his client list if you fancy a check up. :-)
Anonymous's picture
I cry more easily now that I am a parent; I have a tenderer heart perhaps. Animals being hurt in any way cuts me to pieces......I have no shame though, Linsi. Even though my other half always teases me about being a soppy girl's blouse....
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
I cried so much at the film version of 'the end of the affair' that I think my (ex)boyfriend thought he was going to have to go to the shop for another box of Kleenex!! Linsi - this may also have something to do with Ralph Fiennes, although I prefer his brother - such yummy hands and eyes! :-) Sarah.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
The Champ, I want the Champ. Almost filling up right now...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
I bawl at just about everything and if I'm not weeping, I'm laughing. If I don't do one of the two, it's not a good movie as far as I'm concerned... Little sprog finds it highly embarrasing 'Oh mum, you're not crying AGAIN, are you?' Eldest sprog's used to it and has wisely learned to keep his mouth shut. Besides, he's left home...
Anonymous's picture
I just watched Dawn of the Dead........I cried so much coz it was sooo crap!
Anonymous's picture
Oh, right, yes, you said partner, sorry... Won't the sprogs do?
Anonymous's picture
... i have seen Babe (you know the sheep pig thing) two or three times ... i always cry when the farmer dances round the kitchen when Babe isn't going to peg it after all ... *watches remaining shred of street cred disappear down the pan*
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