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Was listening to my old friend herman brood yesterday"respect the brood"The man put up with a lot of negativity during the last day of his life,told by friends that if he had any talent he would have squandered it,if he had a any good brown he'd abuse it.Funnily enough he said that he surely go out with a bang one day,then they found him like a pepperoni pizza eyes bulging out of the drug absorbed roadmap that was his face,the hilton employee that knew herman well said to the turk medic that helped scrape him up that he had seen another guy on top of the roof just after he'd heared the wylie t coyote sound,he'd also told this to the local plod who arrived at the scene,after herman's broken body had been removed.The normal arrival time for the amsterdam police is usually an hour after any crime or accident has happened so no need to be suspicious on that account,it's just what taskan the hilton's doorman had told the police about the guy on the roof after herman's pope john impersonation,he said it looked like bono in his mephisto mode,the policeman dutifully put this in his little black book,but paid the doorman's account of little mind.
What makes me suspicious about all these events is through my own investigations i found out the name of the officer who took down the statement from the doorman,his name a mister kurt hernon.....Alarm bells start to ring in my head,get out the hoover check the patch,assign yourself a pair of wings,steal from the bank for the expenses that will acrew for the investigation,or just plead for a loan.....1st expense buys gumshoe's.

Anonymous's picture
Seems to me andrea or is it andy that you spent to much time in holland,you have no sense of humor and an arrogance born out of your father not fucking you in the farmyard for more than thirty years or so,by the way how is your farmyard?still smell like fishermans wharf on a misty friday morning?Ligten up deary!such a boring twat,it's you that wants to get away from the p.c. every time i visit this site there you fucking opionated arrogant dutch fucking meanderings,go buy yourself a mate.
Anonymous's picture
Oh, too right, Mister... No sense of humour at all, me...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
mr thew.........nice of you to hide behind a disguise....come out come out whoever you are......and take it like a man...or a farmyard animal....which it seems you prefer..........
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, forgot to wasn't me who wrote the Anton Mussert thing...
Anonymous's picture
*and again*
Anonymous's picture
I think most of you should calm down a little,andrea etc. To start of with "tis" as he call's himself is oxygen starved having climbed v3 a perilous journey,he should be applauded not ridiculed.Im afraid the likes of most on this board do not have the required mental equipment to understand all,that is no slur on you good people,that's just the way it is.I am one of the main architects behind tiscally fall from grace,what he's attempting to do in his blatherings on the board is merely to leave his "scats" behind he is INGAME,seeking one of his partners"the starry eyed one"Cut him a little slack,though when he reads this i figure he will move on.
sleuth #2
Anonymous's picture
tis aka "haddock" aka "tony" aka "weirdo who emails folk on site asking for help" (yeah you know what i'm talking about saddo haddock) is as interesting as you. and you, "thew(asteofspace)" say something worth reading, or bugger off. moron.
jagrid de boer
Anonymous's picture
You know very little about the dutch mentality my dear,the largest nazi card holders outside pre war germany was our friendly liberal netherlanders.The dutch now have this pretend hate for the germans born out of years of inferiority,while deep down they wish they were as smart. The netherlanders are best summed up by one of there most famous sons rembrant van rijn,in that they have as many faces as the leiden master.Behind the open facade of the average dutch household,there are lots of dark secrets.
Anonymous's picture
Andrea, my dear, do tell us all how you have such a sparse knowledge of the Dutch mentality?
Anonymous's picture
Geen idee, Liana. Only lived here for 25 years, after all. Er...Jagrid,'s Rembrandt van Rhijn (note capitals) Doei
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, you guys... *trying deperately to recover sense of humour*
Anton Mussert
Anonymous's picture
Beste computer idioot, Misschien zou het een idee zijn om eens vanachter je beeldscherm vandaan te kruipen en eens een blik te werpen op de wereld zoals die is en niet zoals jij hem via hebt leren kennen. Ik moet zeggen dat je een punt hebt als je zegt dat de nederlanders een hypocriete afkeer van duitsers hebben, echter niet om de redenen die jij noemt! Als je uberhaupt weet wie Anton Mussert was(wat mij erg onwaarscheinlijk lijkt),dan zal je net als ik tot de conclussie komen dat het door een gevoel van schaamte is en niet een vorm van infirieuriteit. Om even terug te komen op jouw opmerking: the largest nazi card holders outside prewar Germany was(in my opinion "were") our friendly liberal Netherlanders. In vooroorlogs nederland was inderdaad een Nationalistische partij maar die was door de overheid opgedoekt en pas na de duitse invasie weer in het leven geroepen omdat onze grote vriend Anton zich willoos een marionet liet maken gestuurd door de SS. Tot het moment dat Nederland binnengevallen werd had Nederland (zoals in elke oorlog tot dan aan toe) een strikt beleid van neutraliteit.Het gevoel van schaamte waar ik zoeven naar refereerde heeft dan ook te meken met het feit dat zowel het koningshuis als de regering zich uit de voeten maakte met als resultaat dat Nederland een provincie van mijn Duitse broeders werd, tevens had Nederland percentueel gezien de grootste hoeveelheid SS vrijwilligers. Een heel ander onderwerp is Herman Brood, die mij wel eens een leuke hoeveelheid wit poeder verstrekt en daarmee doel ik niet op Anthrax wat jij blijkbaar ook niet weet te spellen. Zijn laatste dag besteede hij met een fiks ontbijt en het afbetalen van zijn openstaande rekening in zijn stam-kroeg in Amsterdam-zuid. Ook heeft hij de eigenaar verzocht om te zorgen voor zijn papagaai die voor zover ik weet Willem heette en ook zjn fouwfiets. Geen van zijn vrienden die geinterviewd heeft blijk gegeven dat zijn laatste dag ook vervelend zou zijn geweest, maar hier komen we weer op het punt dat je misschien eens naar buiten moet gaan en een blik werpen op de realiteit. Hopelijk heb ik je een redelijke geschiedenis les kunnen verschaffen met betrekking tot mijn vaderland. Met vriendelijke groet, voormalig NSB leider, Anton Mussert
Sage of Ages
Anonymous's picture
The World is as you are. If you are a mindless cretin, then you think that everyone else is too. Trouble is we're not as YOU are but as WE are - which is bright, intelligent people. You should seek out your own kind, Mr Thew - I suggest the s-bend of your lavatory would be the first and last place you need look. Now drivel off into the distance, there's a good boy.
Anonymous's picture
If your Dutch is as feeble as your English, a translation will be forthcoming.
Anonymous's picture
I think I'm in love......
Anonymous's picture
Bit young for you, dear... Mindyew!
Anonymous's picture
*waggles eyebrows dangerously*
Anonymous's picture
lock up your sons!
Anonymous's picture
My English is ok Anton but my Dutch leaves everything to be desired. In short would you post the translation for all us unenlightened mono-tongued plebs?
Anonymous's picture
Comin' up, Missus! Be patient... Lotta woik this translating stuff.
Anonymous's picture
Interesting!!!! I have absolutely no knowledge of dutch/flemish, but there are similarities with other Germanic languages. I think Antons point is that a Dutch pre-war nationalist party was in fact opposed to the German invasion and not lackies of the nazi's (I could be wrong though - should have consulted the history section of my rough giude first) The last section is most intruiging: something about a meeting with breakfast and coffee in a locals bar in south amsterdam with a blank cheque (or on the house hospitality) one of the parties has a parrott of all things. I'm with mississippi, please translate. What part does the parrott have in all this?
Anonymous's picture
Translation is in its last phase as we speak. My opinion as a Dutchman is that the nerd is German, as he knows some Dutch words but not the actual spelling. The parrot, by the by, is not dead, it's just resting (after a long squawk)
Anonymous's picture
*still waggling madly*
Anton Mussert
Anonymous's picture
TRANSLATION AS PROMISED… Dear Sad Computer Person, It might be of some benefit to you, if you occasionally removed yourself from the screen behind which you are hiding and made an effort to perceive the world as it is, rather than as you have learned to know it through I must confess that you do have a point when you say that the Dutch could, possibly, harbour something of a resentment towards the Germans, although not for the reasons you present. If you have even the slightest notion who Anton Mussert was (which seems unlikely) then you will have undoubtedly arrived at the same conclusion as I; that said resentment is brought on by a sense of shame rather than a form of inferiority (complex). To revert to your observations: ‘…the largest nazi card holders outside pre-war Germany was (in my opinion this should be ‘were’) our friendly, liberal netherlanders…’. In pre-war Holland there was, indeed, a nationalist party (NSB – Nationale Socialistische Bond – comparable to the BNP) but this political party was disbanded by the government and, only after the German invasion, brought back to life, since Anton Mussert, its leader, apparently had no objection to playing the role of SS stooge. Up until the moment that Holland was invaded, the Dutch had a strict policy of neutrality. The feeling of ‘shame’ (not, please note, inferiority) that I just referred to, has more to do with the fact that the Royal family, as well as the government, defected to the UK for the duration. As a consequence of this Holland, effectively, became a German province. The Netherlands had, it’s true, the largest amount of SS volunteers percentage-wise, in the German Reich. This could, however, be explained, understandably perhaps, as self-preservation. One wonders (but only briefly) what you would do under similar circumstances? To continue: Herman Brood who, on a few occasions was kind enough to provide me with a small, but pure amount of white powder, spent his last day enjoying a hearty breakfast and paying off his outstanding debts. Furthermore, he tipped the waiters in his favourite bar in Amsterdam-zuid (south Amsterdam) DFL 200 (a tidy sum, for a tip) and also asked the owner of the bar, a close friend of his, to take care of his soon-to-be-bereaved parrot (who rejoices in the name of Willem) and his collapsible bicycle. Hardly the actions of a ‘man putting up with a lot of negativity during the last day of his life’. None of his friends, most of whom were interviewed extensively, gave any indication that this was the case, as you so ‘eloquently’ but erroneously assert. Here again, I am forced to come to the sad conclusion that it might be more beneficial to your mental wellbeing to remove yourself from your PC forthwith and face reality, however unpalatable you may find it. Hopefully, I have been able to provide you with a reasonably short, but accurate history lesson regarding my Fatherland and one which, I hope, you will assimilate thoroughly. Yours truly, (Former NSB party leader) Anton Mussert.
Anonymous's picture
Hey, Liana, You want sprog's email? *chuckles*
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Antandrea!
Anonymous's picture
So now you know all about the parrot!!
Anonymous's picture
...and you also all know about the bleedin' parrot...
Anonymous's picture
So what's Dutch for bleedin' ?
Anonymous's picture
Bloedend...kind of... @!#$! Just logged out and tried to log in again and can't. Bleedin' eck! Any suggestions? Where are the trust ed'd???
Sage 'n' Onion
Anonymous's picture
Oh, well and eloquently put, Sage of A.
Anonymous's picture
Are there any Ed's around at all?
Prince Edward
Anonymous's picture
Will you all stand still for five minutes, one is having trouble controlling one's camcorder!
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, this is techie stuff - I suspect all occurring as a result of the update abc did on Thursday. (in my experience, getting anyone technical out to do something always makes four other things that were getting on just fine on their own suddenly go wrong) I just read things, I don't have power to go in and fiddle with the internal workings (and thank goodness for that). Don't think you should have logged out Andrea...sure this will be sorted out on Monday. Just to be on the safe side (and always good computer sense anyway) don't open attachments - if you want someone's view on a story, post it up and send them the URL reference.
Anonymous's picture
Well, thank you Andrew for those few kind words...those priceless nuggets of information... I know I shouldn't have bloody well logged out - was trying to do sprog a favour - silly me! Re the attachments thing - seems strange that a lot of us are getting mails (with non-existent attachments) that no-one has sent!
Anonymous's picture
I had an attachment but sadly it's over!
Anonymous's picture
Oh, didn't we all, Missus. *gets out the violin and prepares to dig out Cohen vinyl*
Anonymous's picture
I have done some research this evening. I believe the hacker is connected to a site called This site has a section called "planet brood". I found it quite boring. One of its star features is a webcam that seems to be mounted on an amsterdam street corner. Occaisionally some people will cross the road on a murky wet night. Thats entertainment??
Anonymous's picture
To some, apparantly.
Anonymous's picture
Where do you get your info from, Tis?
Anonymous's picture
First gripe: It's absolutely no way true that it takes an hour for the A'dam cops to get to the 'crime' scene...
Johnny Kenyon
Anonymous's picture
I love all of you. Whats your favorite chewing gum? Johnny x
Anonymous's picture
It has to be juicy fruit, Johnny.
Alexis(aka Anton)
Anonymous's picture
'fraid I'd have to agree with Sage on that one even if I don't have the vocabulary to back it up..
Anonymous's picture
Just checkin' to see if my address is: ( like everyone elses.... I think it's something to do with the Amsterdam police clocks or Liandrea.
Anonymous's picture
This i must admit is not the begining of events,herman was just a symptom of the scheme,a bit player in fact a patsie so to speak.The plot was hatched several years earlier by "the cartel"a kind of art mafia,who's manifesto was to challenge and turn upside down the regular creation of ART,to take it from the ether and deliver it to only a handful of people,me being one of those fortunate or unfortunate one's, the perspective is entierly subjective to one's amount of suffering or joy the subject can endure,a subliminal veritable cornucopia.As i pointed out the begining was not at hermans "was he pushed or did he jump"episode but much earlier.Like all things it started with a BANG! then slowed and formed,data was assimilated and was spread like so much pollen,picked up by the worker's and injected into the ear of the subject....and so it begins. As for your point about the amsterdam police whatever mode of transport they use to a scene of a crime or accident i.e. car, bike, roller blades.pogo stick,space ball,if they are told not to report to the scene by a higher office,they will follow those orders like there german cousins. Utrecht 98 The Scalabellen...05101951 De hoefslag Smart lappen Webber computer mag Realtime Blues brothers nieuwendijke. Much more if your interested!? Remember we have to catch all the S&M ART gang Zeedijk;visit the joker to find the sower,high office brings you warmth.
Wise and Stuffing
Anonymous's picture
Yes, but to which 'sage' are you referring, Lexton?
Anonymous's picture
of ages
Rock of Ages
Anonymous's picture
Well, in that case, couldn't agree more!
Anonymous's picture
Don't you try telling a Clog that that the Germans are their cousins. Deep @!#$ is what you'll be in, my friend...


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