Capitalism to blame
The latest atrocity in America is another nail in the coffin of capitalism.
The killer's mum was apparently preparing for economic meltdown and had squirreled away an arsenal for semi-autos, presumably to shoot anyone who came looking for help.
Imagine being that woman's son, just for a moment.
He may have been a perfectly ordinary kid or he may have been menatlly challenged but either way, he is not to blame for this atrocity.
He is one of millions of small cogs in the factory of diseased humanity who involuntarily broke free from the factory.
Mental illness can be hereditary or circumstantial but if it's not treated, it will definitely spiral out of control. If it's fed with yet more illness from those closest to the sufferer, all hell will break loose, hence this mindless killing spree.
Americans have been fed the idea that they need to protect themselves from crime so they tool up (one in five has at least one gun and 9000 people are shot dead every year).
While crime has actually decreased in the past ten years, the fear of crime has risen dramatically and the worst five killing sprees have happened in the last five years.
No matter how tough the security of schools (until they're prisons?) killers will find a way of spraying innocents with bullets if capitalism continues its sluglike attack on ordinary people trying to survive.
What drives the fear is the impending doom of economic meltdown, that all will be lost no matter what happens, that we're all three pay cheques away from the streets and that there is no alternative.
In Britain, less than one mother in ten stays at home to bring up their children because of perceived economic responsibility.
How long can we survive and what will be the legacy of our emotionally parentless future generation? The government cares only for its economy, so much so that it suggests the petroleum industry will strike and raises the cost of stamps by 50% to trigger investment in order to beat a quarterly dip back into recession.
Short-term thinking like this has its costs because people now spend less on stamps than ever before and are much more careful about their fuel economy.
These are trifling details compared to 20 children being killed in a single day, but the only real difference between the US and the UK is the prevailing air of bloody-minded capitalism egged on by the availability of firearms (in mom's dresser).
In the context of how our time and money is frittered away on what the govt tells us we need, we are one, as are all 'civilsed' nations the world over, and unless capitalism is curbed for the good of all people, these killings will become as commonplace as golf tournaments.
Truthfully, can anyone blame the killer for his actions or is capitalism to blame?
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.