Books of films and films of books

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Books of films and films of books

Does anyone have any examples of *good* films of books (or books from films) or is it always a mistake to turn books into films or write 'books of' films. Examples:

1 Jurassic Park/ The Lost World / Disclosure / Sphere (is there any Crichton book that hasn't been turned into a film?)
Brilliant, well researched books. Throwaway (albeit generally succesful) movies
2 The First Wives Club
Truly dreadful film flop from best-selling novel
3 Grease
Great movie (come on, it may be cheesy but everyone knows the words to all the songs, even the cynics amongst you) but dull book

I haven't seen The Hole but I've heard that it's been panned which is a shame because the book was intelligent and psychologically terrifying. And who knows whether the much hyped AI will be a fair representation of Brian Aldiss' 'Supertoys Last All Summer Long'?

Anonymous's picture
catch 22 - fab book, mediocre film high fidelity - mediocre book, fab film to kill a mocking bird - fab book, fab film
Anonymous's picture
the english patient - book and film both massive abortions
Anonymous's picture
Midnight Cowboy - great movie, crap book. The Shining- great book, great movie, but they changed the ending (much to my disappointment)
Taj Hayer
Anonymous's picture
Didn't like Ballard's Empire of the Sun, but though Spielberg's film was excellent.
Anonymous's picture
Firstly, it's such a relief to find someone who hated The English Patient. I was quite depressed when everyone raved about it; I found the other relationship (nurse and soldier) so much more intriguing than the central one. Betty Blue - book and film unforgettable. Moll Flanders - well done, excellent casting The Martian Chronicles (Ray Bradbury) - not exactly a film as such but I can remember it living up to my expectations. I loved the book as a child, it was so poignant. The Talented Mr Ripley - a big groan when I watched this. Patricia Highsmith's book is so much more complex than this trite audience-pleaser. A film that should be made? I am David - Anne Holm The Seige - Helen Dunmore
Anonymous's picture
Firstly, it's such a relief to find someone who hated The English Patient. I was quite depressed when everyone raved about it; I found the other relationship (nurse and soldier) so much more intriguing than the central one. Betty Blue - book and film unforgettable. Moll Flanders - well done, excellent casting The Martian Chronicles (Ray Bradbury) - not exactly a film as such but I can remember it living up to my expectations. I loved the book as a child, it was so poignant. The Talented Mr Ripley - a big groan when I watched this. Patricia Highsmith's book is so much more complex than this trite audience-pleaser. A film that should be made? I am David - Anne Holm The Siege - Helen Dunmore
Anonymous's picture
Apologies. Corrected a spelling mistake and repeated myself.
Anonymous's picture
Kip was the absolute best character in The English patient and the film sidelined. I agree with Wolgirl, that relationship was far more interesting than the other one - I think Michael Ondaatje was putting some of himself into Kip and then got concerned that he was turning himseld into a sexy intelligent 'hero' and didn't push the character. Shame.
Anonymous's picture
Lady Chatterley's Lover --- book brilliant in exploring how two people discovered themselves - film an excuse for nudity and shallowness. Last Tango in Paris --- book explored grief and desolation ---film placed sex above everything else. Intimacy --- Hope there isn't a film from this book !!!
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