What Prevents you Writing?

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What Prevents you Writing?

I’ve now got 2994 followers on Twitter, but I decided a few weeks back that Sunday is ‘writing’ day. I spend an hour or more a night on Twitter, promoting my own and other people’s books, and its working – my books are still selling!

HOWEVER, it would all be pointless if it prevented me writing, and that’s the effect it’s having.

So I’ve decided that from now on there will be very few retweets over the weekends, and instead I’ll focusing on occupying myself with the THREE books I’m currently working on. That way I should be able to accomplish something.

AND, it goes without saying that family comes before all of that.

So HUGE thanks to everyone from ABCtales who RTs me on a regular basis (special thanks to Linda) but from now on I’ll be going quiet over the weekends and will be unable to reciprocate. Writers will understand.

What prevents you writing?

Just pissing about on the Internet, or something else?

Well for me being a clueless dullard doesn't help.


I pretend I am writing whilst I have a wit contest with dullards commenting on my Facebook status. It wastes time, insults words and achieves jack shit. But I live a lie. I pretend I'm going shopping. And then I drive off in my car and park at the river. I sit in the passenger seat typing. I look like a sex addict because my lap top can't be seen from the outside. I must appear as though I am studying my groin for hours and shaking my head over its poor form. When I next look at the clock, four hours have passed. I go home with my heart hammering due to sheer guilt. Sometimes I rock up without any food. Everybody is starving and worried about me. But I've written shit loads and I am smugger than the fat cat in Alice.


That reminds me of the pot noodle ads' Vera! "Do you do car park typing?" "Meet me by the river in ten."


Laughing scratch!! It sounds like complete fabrication. Unfortunately not.


I see that you've posted a new piece Vera, I'll have a look at it later.


Vera, are you sure you're not a ‘dogging’ voyeur?


My Xbox is my biggest enemy to my writing. Well that and university and my job. Oh jeez. I get up at the crack of dawn (noon) every day and write furiously until my fingers are nothing but arthritic claws or until my girlfriend yells at me for clacking too loudly. Then the rest of the day is guilt free because hey, at least I did *some* writing today.


I drink coffee and pretend I'm doing research. I mean, who knows when I'm going to want to write a story about porn stars or household pets who do the cutest things when you're not home? Rich


The damning conviction that someone, somewhere, has expressed a similar sentiment with greater eloquence, better punctuation and grammar. :) Oh, and life, that gets in the way a bit. x


Depression, anxiety, school, sleep, being with friends, etc. keep me from writing. The way I write, however, is usually quick words snatched while in class, after I park in my driveway, while I am trying to fall asleep, and so on. Then, when I get the time, I sit down and elaborate.


Hi folks, As you are all aware, I am one of the older writers at ABC and now do not pursue getting published with my work but thoroughly enjoy posting it on ABC. So for me to push myself as I did in the past, ie 1.000 word minimum at lunch time five days a week, for my novel is behind me. I wrote three 15-25,000 children's novels this way. Two are published; not many sales though. Writing is still fun, and my computer sits in the open in my living room, and have learned to type regardless of friends visiting, my wife and I watching TV, phone ringing, or meal and other duties barging in, words still flow and I type them out immediately. A preacher said A couple of years ago, "You purpose to do what you purpose to do." That is the way I now operate---if I don't want to visit right now, I don't. If I wish to write, I do. Cheers and keep writing, Richard PS. One of Canada's most successful writers of Historical fiction, and Historical books, Pierre Berton, advises a writer NOT TO EDIT until the first draft is COMPLETED. It works for me. R.
Richard L. Provencher
Vera - your explanation of how you write made me laugh. Do you tell them what you've been doing when you get back? Or do you leave them guessing?


Insert- I admit where I've been.My partner has to go out and do the shop I never intended to do.Sometimes I say I'm going to the cemetery - people leave you alone if they think you are visiting the dead.But I visit Word instead.


Lack of ability. Oh, and life. Just keeps getting in the way.

Parson Thru

Only thing that prevents me writing is me. If it's important enough, I like to think I'll find the time. So far, I'm doing so, but I intend to drop down to 4 days/week at my job at least to have more time for more important things - writing being the main one. Writer, human being. www.jonathandalton.co.uk

Writer and human being


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