Amazing eh?
I remember seeing a cartoon years and years ago.
It showed a conversation inside the tent of the embattled King Harrold at Hastings in 1066. The King's valet tells him that there is a salesman outside that wants to see the King. The King angrily responds by saying he hasn't got time for such irrelevancies at such a pivotal moment. Meanwhile the salesman can be seen outside the tent holding a machine gun...
The annoying thing about the Harry Potter rejections is the way publishers went straight from "wizards don't sell" to "that sh*t you've smeared on a page looks a bit like a wizard, we'll give you £16 million for a 73 book deal."
Too true TOT. Agents and publishers are driven by the pound and the dollar. "If it's formulaic but it sells no matter, get it out there" is their mantra.
Fascinating, thanks hudsonmoon!