What Literary Character are you?
Thu, 2013-11-14 22:57
What Literary Character are you?
Read one of the 133,993 stories from our 20,072 authors
Sherlock Holmes? Who'd a thunk it.
I am the tragic doomed brilliant supersexed musician Robert Frobisher from Cloud Atlas. Except that I am alive and reasonably well and currently underemployed as a middle-aged cleaner in Exmouth. 'Who are you?' said the caterpillar.
And now that I have done the quiz I am also Galadriel from Lord of the bloody boring Rings. Galadriel seems like an ok bird, but not famous enough, yes that's me alright. Elsie
Dirk Pitt. YAY-YAH!!
Oi! You can't be Dirk Pitt! I'm Dirk Pitt!
http://www.ukauthors.com(link is external)
http://www.ukapress.com(link is external)
Pinocchio. Erm...why is my nose getting longer?
Gandalf, obviously!
Sam Gangee!
Heh, have done it three times now using the exact same answers and guess what? Yep, I am three different characters. Load of tosh but good fun.