Putting up work again
Thu, 2014-03-06 23:53
Putting up work again
Hi All, sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this question but not sure where else to ask. I want to put up work that been up before a couple of years ago and beyond,apart from cut and past, how do I do it, as it's been kindly suggested I should put some pieces up again.
Thank you all in advance,
Keep Smiling
Hi Pretty Rose,
We don't have a facility to repost old work, so it does have to be done manually - I'm afraid you may have to go with the copy pasting route..
But it sounds like a good idea, giving a new airing to a couple old favourites. Can't wait to see them!
But pleased to know I can, so again thank you Luke. I love your picture
Take care
Keep Writing xxx
I've reposted a few old pieces. It helps make me feel like I'm being productive
Thank you for replying. I have looked through a few over the last 24 hours of my work, and before I repost I really have to do some editing lol. But I feel like that when doing my charity work so definatley agree
Take Care
Keep Writing xxx
Hi prettyrose, I was on Abctales four years ago under the writing name of Jennifer Gentle (two songs I like use the name) and I rejoined under a new name simply because it took me a few days to remember my former name! I have reposted Thinking of You Frances from then.
Editing makes sense, I did this a tiny bit with mine.
I have piles of old material I may post. I plan to edit and at the moment I want to write and post new material. Because I have written a lot over the past 7 months the person who finds it all by far the most interesting is..... Elsie! I am learning myself from the inside out by trying to identify recurrent themes.
Keep posting,keep smiling.
All the best Elsie